I want to acknowledge the original builder for their excellent work on this project. My modifications and experiments are solely for learning purposes and to explore new design possibilities.
@crazyplaness yeah we know that this is a airplane website that's why that guy asked you to ask people not to use flags.
And that flag is already hated by millions of people around the globe right now. So please avoid using it.
It's because that will damage the the beautiful environment we have on this website.
I want to acknowledge the original builder for their excellent work on this project. My modifications and experiments are solely for learning purposes and to explore new design possibilities.
Well this one is better then the cockpit version.
I give this plane 2.3/10.
Keep trying friends.
You can make it better.
Never lose hope.
Just remove the terrorist logo from your plane and you don't have to delete the comments
@MohammadAli787 thank you
Can you make a plane with a baby killing technology??
Because I heard that terrorist organization like Israel have baby killing technology.
Sorry no offense
I m just asking
@MohammadAli787 I m from Pakistan
Painted by: Austrian Painters
Design by: Me Of course
Inspired by: Just Enjoying my build because it's a plane website not political website
Note: If you are easily offended or a hypocrite, please 🙏 stay away from this post.
@WinsWings ok ok
I will also do as you say...
No worries...
Just hold tight
@LunarEclipseSP I think 🤔 you are right. I will do as you say.. Job Understood.
@crazyplaness yeah we know that this is a airplane website that's why that guy asked you to ask people not to use flags.
And that flag is already hated by millions of people around the globe right now. So please avoid using it.
It's because that will damage the the beautiful environment we have on this website.