75 KittyOfDiamonds08

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joined 7.5 years ago

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Hi! I'm KittyOfDiamonds08. But call me Kitty, as all my friends do. I am a relatively good builder, but I usually can't make planes land. (If I do, I jump up and down screaming: "I DID IT!!!!" XD) I also have a ROBLOX account under the same name, PM me (Follow to PM), then send me a friend request, as I won't accept it you don't. Big fan of Minecraft and ROBLOX (and of course, SimplePlanes!). Be sure to check out my Eclipse Inc. (Don't take my company name) planes. Read the descriptions on them, as they provide insight on the plane (or missile launcher). I also make upgrades to other people's planes, but I leave their name in the description of the plane. Thanks for reading- Kitty