@Treadmill103 Actually, this is meant to be mounted on the wings or fuselage. Some guns on biplanes from pictures I have seen arent turrets, but still have a trigger and grip. This means that they were most likely repurposed infantry guns. I'm not a weapon expert though, so I may be wrong. The pilots would be cool.
@FuRiOuSpLaNeS That is a good idea. Points shouldnt determine the number of parts though. It should determine the weaponry and engines. Each engine costs a certain amount, and each weapon costs a certain amount. If it was by parts, people would focus on function over quality. This means that the overall website quality goes down, depending on how many people join up. Depending on the costs, 5 points per day sounds low. Maybe 10 would be better? Again, just my thoughts. Have you decided on how the teams will work? If you dont mind, could I help run the rp?
@FuRiOuSpLaNeS Hmmmm...
Each player should be allowed only 1 team. If they want to switch teams, they must have a valid reason. If they dont, they cant switch. This can prevent changing to the winning team, which is annoying as heck. You also should need to be invited to a team in order to join it. The teams can organize themselves, and decide who makes the decisions. What time period would the rp take place in? This is very important as it determines what kind of creations are allowed.
I find it hard to help people with anything but replicas, and even there I struggle. Make your planes your own. Unless you are doing replicas, try making your own style. Come up with a paintjob, and maybe a logo as well. Other than that, make sure they work as intended. Broken planes arent liked as much. This doesnt mean it needs to work well. If you are going for looks over function, then that is ok.
@FuRiOuSpLaNeS Instead of having just 4 teams, maybe an infinite amount would be better? Personally, I dont like working with people I dont know. I like my mistakes and triumphs to affect me and only me. Other people like having larger teams, so keep those 4. I would just like to be able to create teams as well. Obviously, I do want to help. Just remember that this is yours, so dont feel bad in telling me if you dont agree with my ideas.
Welcome to the friendliest online community there is. Make sure you read the rules. Follow the rules, and you will have a good time. Almost everyone is willing to help if you ask, including me. Have fun, good luck.
I have an idea that might work for you. Have multiple car engines all set at a low hp. Make each one on a different action group. For each group activated, the car gains hp. This isnt a very accurate representation of gears, but it might work.
@Assassin23446 He means that this is the third forum you have made about this topic today. People, including myself, see this as spam, and covers up the other posts with this one.
If you havent already, the A-10 Warthog, or Thunderbolt, are easy and fun to make replicas. If you have already made that, try making a futuristic fighter.
@Liquidfox What?
@Mox It is going to be set to private until you say otherwise.
@Mox Public or private?
@88blaroo Depends on if your mobile device can handle 400 parts.
@FuRiOuSpLaNeS Here it is
@oDDDynamics What do you mean over or under stabilized?
Anything that looks good.
@DandruffCat It looks like @oDDDynamics can help better than me, so I will just leave it to them.
@DandruffCat It could be something about the landing gear. How wide is the gear?
I play in pitch black darkness all the time.
It means that either something isnt centered, or it is just being weird.
@Treadmill103 I didnt notice until it was pointed out
@Flightsonic I was taught by the best science teacher ever.
@Flightsonic It depends. In size, yes. In impact, no.
We are small creatures on a small planet in a small solar system in a small galaxy in a small galaxy cluster. Think about that.
@Treadmill103 Actually, this is meant to be mounted on the wings or fuselage. Some guns on biplanes from pictures I have seen arent turrets, but still have a trigger and grip. This means that they were most likely repurposed infantry guns. I'm not a weapon expert though, so I may be wrong. The pilots would be cool.
Seeing as the AI only uses 100% throttle, "SPEED IS KEY"-jacksepticeye
@Treadmill103 Thanks. Will I be seeing it on any of your creations?
@FuRiOuSpLaNeS That might be a good idea. I can tag you on one of my unlisted creations if you want.
@FuRiOuSpLaNeS Thanks. We should talk about how the combat/strategy would work. It is kind of hard to test aa guns, or armored cars in combat.
@InternationalAircraftCompany np
@NicePlanes As long as you dont mention your age, you should be fine.
@FuRiOuSpLaNeS That is a good idea. Points shouldnt determine the number of parts though. It should determine the weaponry and engines. Each engine costs a certain amount, and each weapon costs a certain amount. If it was by parts, people would focus on function over quality. This means that the overall website quality goes down, depending on how many people join up. Depending on the costs, 5 points per day sounds low. Maybe 10 would be better? Again, just my thoughts. Have you decided on how the teams will work? If you dont mind, could I help run the rp?
@NicePlanes What?
@BlueCobraplanes If you still want me to, I can, depending on what it is.
@FuRiOuSpLaNeS Hmmmm...
Each player should be allowed only 1 team. If they want to switch teams, they must have a valid reason. If they dont, they cant switch. This can prevent changing to the winning team, which is annoying as heck. You also should need to be invited to a team in order to join it. The teams can organize themselves, and decide who makes the decisions. What time period would the rp take place in? This is very important as it determines what kind of creations are allowed.
Make sure you have read the rules
As you can see (if you read them) copies are not allowed.
@Seeras this appears to be a copy.
@NicePlanes No problem. If you ever need anything, just ask.
I find it hard to help people with anything but replicas, and even there I struggle. Make your planes your own. Unless you are doing replicas, try making your own style. Come up with a paintjob, and maybe a logo as well. Other than that, make sure they work as intended. Broken planes arent liked as much. This doesnt mean it needs to work well. If you are going for looks over function, then that is ok.
@FuRiOuSpLaNeS Instead of having just 4 teams, maybe an infinite amount would be better? Personally, I dont like working with people I dont know. I like my mistakes and triumphs to affect me and only me. Other people like having larger teams, so keep those 4. I would just like to be able to create teams as well. Obviously, I do want to help. Just remember that this is yours, so dont feel bad in telling me if you dont agree with my ideas.
They do look really cool, but sexy isnt a word I use to describe anything.
I usually need to check by the hour, or I get 2 pages of creations.
I might join in, but I'm not sure until the setting, theme, rules, and how it works are sorted out.
It may be simple, but it looks good.
@F22Raptors here it is. I hope you like it.
@F22Raptors Sorry for the extended delay. I am going to start on it right now.
Welcome to the friendliest online community there is. Make sure you read the rules. Follow the rules, and you will have a good time. Almost everyone is willing to help if you ask, including me. Have fun, good luck.
@F22Raptors I will, but I wont be able to for a couple hours.
@F22Raptors Not the time limit, but the time period of the gun. If I can, I will be making a world war era gun.
@F22Raptors Ok. Does the time period matter?
@MAHADI I will.
@touchface np
What do you mean, working gun?
I have an idea that might work for you. Have multiple car engines all set at a low hp. Make each one on a different action group. For each group activated, the car gains hp. This isnt a very accurate representation of gears, but it might work.
@Assassin23446 He means that this is the third forum you have made about this topic today. People, including myself, see this as spam, and covers up the other posts with this one.
@MAHADI No problem. I look forwards to some cool designs.
@MAHADI I just did a little while ago.
@MAHADI No problem...
If you havent already, the A-10 Warthog, or Thunderbolt, are easy and fun to make replicas. If you have already made that, try making a futuristic fighter.
@MAHADI Thank you for the compliment. I must say, you have some pretty neat planes yourself.