0 KomradeKD Comments

  • C-133 CargoMaster (Fixed) 7.3 years ago

    Needs trim controls. Far too front heavy to not have them. Also needs ground steering controls. It acted like it wanted to turn at 60-90 ish mph, but at taxi speeds, there was zero turning radius.

    It is a great looking design, and flies well, though I did notice that if you engage autopilot while ascending, the aircraft would begin to tumble nose over tail and I was unable to reestablish control. Engaging the autopilot while level eliminated this problem, but because it is forward heavy, the aircraft decends rapidly while autopilot is engaged.

    Overall, I enjoyed this aircraft. It has a nice heavy feel when making turns, and it landed well. Aesthetically, it is a gorgeous plane.

  • Avro Lancaster B Mk.III 9.1 years ago

    Solid aircraft. She was a dream to fly.