232 Kovick Comments

  • J8-B3-UAF 9 months ago

    1:Cockpit Open/Close
    2:Drop Fuel Pod/Gun Pod
    3:Drouge/Drag Chute
    4:After Burner (This consists of 14 VTOL thrust nozzles that drink fuel fast but it increases speed by 200Mph/321KMh
    5:Refuel Port
    6: Eject
    7:Eject Parachute
    There is craft instructions to.

  • VJ-1B(CWC)-IIII one year ago

    I should specify I'm on mobile with the lowest settings and it only becomes Un-Smokeless when I switch to slow motion if it has a smoke motor I can't fix it as I can't get the problem to show up for me.

  • Challenger 3 one year ago

    @toorbokkot yea I think that's the guy I downloaded it from lol I added some headlights and darkened the flag never said it was mine loll

  • Goofy Ah Skippidy Toilet El Bozo Ohio Plane 1.4 years ago

    Bro said El bozo

  • Flying wing attempt 7 1.4 years ago

    And of course I forget to color the airbrakes fuck

  • EF-V2.52B 1.4 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO I don't really have intentions to use your plane for upvotes it's more for people to have fun with a variety of missiles. (I don't mind giving you credit that's why it's on auto but I don't know why it didn't give you credit)

  • AS 23(96 p chllange) 1.4 years ago

    Uhh you have to download the plane from the challenge to register it.

  • F-14V15 1.4 years ago

    I blanked on the activate groups 1 is tanks 2, is the tail hook 3 is catapult 6 is jettison two missiles (old controls) 7 is open the cockpit and 8 is engines

  • EF-V2.5 1.5 years ago

    The Cockpits missile display only has four missiles
    SLRAAM AiM-132 Meteors and air to ground and air to air Brimstones