15 L0yalDragon Comments

  • Meteor F.1 1.6 years ago

    Thick wings >:D

  • Delay Beacon Light 1.6 years ago

    @TheStarTrekGuy do it please. pretty please with a cherry on top ?

  • Yak-28P Conspirator 1.6 years ago


  • OV-1 Mohawk Ground Attack loadout 1.6 years ago

    On paper it was made only for observation, but these planes were often modified to carry weapons such as bombs, rockets, small missiles, grenade launchers, miniguns, etc. I modified mine to carry 8 edited-bom 50s to be able to carpet bomb. 1 carpet bombing can sink the USS Beast. It doesn't reach the maximal speed of the original, and I was forced to edit the horsepower and blade diameter of the engines to at least get 75-95% of the originals' speed. It still has some good STOL capabilities, taking off from the USS tiny is a piece of cake (with a bit of experience). Terrible post-stall recovery tho.