Check out this article about stores running out of toilet paper! COSTCO is running out of it too!
Just found this out... CoronaVirus came from a bio-weapon facility located in china! Could china be creating a bio-weapon to wipe out the entire human population in the USA?
@Makerofplanes Nice underwater vehicle! mind if i make improvements?
Team building is when you improve someone's airplane! you can improve mine too!! So hopefully you will let me improve this:)
@Makerofplanes It fly's great! but thanks for that suggestion! i will keep it the way it is! Some users may need to fix where the missles are though! it blew up when i launched one missle!
@Jokowi This one i am coming out with is a exact replica! its gonna be launched this afternoon
@SupremeDorian Im sticking with doing a sith tie fighter! i already made a sith fighter but havent launched it yet:)
EZ build! but hard to get it to 300mph
@SupremeDorian Indeed
@RailfanEthan Alright thanks:) i am gonna make it!
Hey Guys! Im going to be making several tests of The Sith Tie Fighter and seeing how it improves! these will be several #1 #2 #3 and so on... Posts!
@Makerofplanes Sure Thing!! I will make it tonight! and should be launched tommorow afternoon! im in Oregon by the way:)
@Makerofplanes i can get started on it tonight!
@Makerofplanes I can make the 7th generation arc!
@Makerofplanes Sure just tell me the instructions on how to make a arc plane :)
cool! nice work!
Impossible! i still havent figured out your last "fix this"
This is exactly how people are toward coronavirus!
Check out this article about stores running out of toilet paper! COSTCO is running out of it too!
@sheepsblood Lol! thats hillarious! Toilet Paper, Toilet Paper AND MORE TOILET PAPER TILL WE ARE EVENTUALLY OUT OF IT! then what do we do to wipe?
Due to COVID-19 lol
@sheepsblood Check out my good builds:) Im coming out with another airplane today:)
im out:)
+1@Makerofplanes thats not impossible for me to do! i can make it go 750mph! i have made a supersonic jet before, so this will be easy
@sheepsblood @SpeedDemon348 At least i can build more planes during this epidemic!
@SpeedDemon348 same
@sheepsblood Yeah i agree with that story! who would of thought corona virus ruins the supply of your toilet paper lol!
@asteroidbook345 yeah. Well imma see how this all plays out!
Just found this out... CoronaVirus came from a bio-weapon facility located in china! Could china be creating a bio-weapon to wipe out the entire human population in the USA?
Disneyworld closed due to COVID-19
+1@Makerofplanes Are you mad at your creations now? Cause why is this creation a mess?
@BlackBoA That's True
My school was just closed not long ago due to covid-19! I am suppost to go to Colorado in 2 days and there has already been 2 deaths there!
COVID-19 is not really affecting my state... But how is it affecting yours?
Oh it does:)
Nice plane Woozy! so how does this work?
@AwesomeAir Check out my nuclear blaster my homie
@Makerofplanes its really cool
@Makerofplanes check out my nuclear blaster bro
@Makerofplanes Nice Plane Bro! Keep up the good work!!
Cool! And Your Welcome:)
@Makerofplanes oh:) lol its so funny
+1! Can you see it now?
@Makerofplanes Imma download this:) looks cool!
@Makerofplanes Please do:) Make sure to look at my page for hillarious pictures
@Makerofplanes Nice underwater vehicle! mind if i make improvements?
Team building is when you improve someone's airplane! you can improve mine too!! So hopefully you will let me improve this:)
@Makerofplanes You can also make improvements to my airplanes if you would like! i would like you to:)
@Makerofplanes Uh, we would share a build like i did today on your arc 5!
@Makerofplanes Check out my GIF above hehe! Funny aint he?
@Makerofplanes It fly's great! but thanks for that suggestion! i will keep it the way it is! Some users may need to fix where the missles are though! it blew up when i launched one missle!
@AwesomeAir Check out my page i have hillarious gifs
@AwesomeAir Hey Dude! Yeah i do! check out my Wheel Loader i did fuselaging on there!
@Starmang10 its a mod not and actual multiplayer
@Makerofplanes I am gonna remake this plane and re-upload on my page:) kinda make some enhances!