Child: Dad, I'm hungry Dad: Hi hungry, I'm Dad! Child:
The russian a380
Finally a good looking L-1011
Red: Guys its dark green i saw him kill light blue and then vent Dark Green: Its red
Red Was Not The Imposter
Guys help this seal is at my door HELP
Hail the glorious leader!
Heck yeah a VTOL Mi-35
Hell yeah
@ACE1089 let's hope not
Nice mil mi-24
What did you do to the mi-35
Hes almost back!
This is the most prettiest plane i have ever seen
I love this texture of the glass the new texture is kinda ugly
Im the bold action MAAAAN
Get back to work or you're FIRED!!!!
This looks like that bus from COD black ops 2 zombies
@RC1138Boss i heard he does sleep with them
@STUKAWOLF87 i eat both
@STUKAWOLF87 I don't think catgirls will be real...
@STUKAWOLF87 wait, you're being serious???
@STUKAWOLF87 Are you being ironic?
someone please tell me why do i breath
@ChrisPy i don't think this is real
@Tolic1222 your mom
I will still spend money on vehicles
The danger levels go up by 1000 percent if you step on the corner
I always loved the east germany flag it's really nice
Lets hope plankton doesnt find this
Thats weird
"Im not die"
English 1000
This looks nice
Atleast the people are shipping the Vaccine soon this will all be over
Theres a 8 year old?
@Kamikazeboy3112 are you kid because there are comments saying that youre a kid
Prepare the AA turrets this bomber is to sus to be alive
Can you make a green B-17?
@WaffleGyro yes, im on mobile
@IHateAirbusA330 magic
Can you also make this a UPS van
Yesss you added glass to this plane
Child: Dad, I'm hungry
+6Dad: Hi hungry, I'm Dad!
The russian a380
+5Finally a good looking L-1011
+4Red: Guys its dark green i saw him kill light blue and then vent
Dark Green: Its red
Red Was Not The Imposter
+3Guys help this seal is at my door HELP
+2Hail the glorious leader!
+1Heck yeah a VTOL Mi-35
+1Hell yeah
+1@ACE1089 let's hope not
+1Nice mil mi-24
+1What did you do to the mi-35
+1Hes almost back!
+1This is the most prettiest plane i have ever seen
+1I love this texture of the glass the new texture is kinda ugly
+1Im the bold action MAAAAN
+1Get back to work or you're FIRED!!!!
+1This looks like that bus from COD black ops 2 zombies
+1@RC1138Boss i heard he does sleep with them
@STUKAWOLF87 i eat both
@STUKAWOLF87 I don't think catgirls will be real...
@STUKAWOLF87 wait, you're being serious???
@STUKAWOLF87 Are you being ironic?
someone please tell me why do i breath
@ChrisPy i don't think this is real
@Tolic1222 your mom
I will still spend money on vehicles
The danger levels go up by 1000 percent if you step on the corner
I always loved the east germany flag it's really nice
Lets hope plankton doesnt find this
Thats weird
"Im not die"
English 1000
This looks nice
Atleast the people are shipping the Vaccine soon this will all be over
Theres a 8 year old?
@Kamikazeboy3112 are you kid because there are comments saying that youre a kid
Prepare the AA turrets this bomber is to sus to be alive
Can you make a green B-17?
@WaffleGyro yes, im on mobile
@IHateAirbusA330 magic
Can you also make this a UPS van
Yesss you added glass to this plane