15 LeDarthPlanet Comments

  • GBU-39 Demonstration 9 months ago

    So I tested your GBU-39 SDB, and it seems that the first bomb's wings will not deploy.
    Plus, is the small side that you're saying the side which is usually attached with the pylon??
    Also, will it work with missiles with folding wings (I'm thinking about making one, pls don't judge me)??
    And last thing, Any way to put a time delay on the folding/unfolding of wings through this??

  • Phantom Spirit 2.1 years ago

    Man the stability is what made me impressed. And the design language!
    Very epic indeed!!

  • Sukhoi Su-67 'Sasha' 2.4 years ago

    Thanks @IcePhoenix
    This is much better than than the previous.
    Fucking loved it.

  • How to make a Delta Wing Fighter? 2.7 years ago

    @Viper_Z3R0 Well, Canards do helped me in the pitch control but I want to build the likes of HAL Tejas or A-4 Skyhawk and such

  • Archangel 2.7 years ago

    @IcePhoenix If you can, please make a remake of this jet. I love this jet, and an improved version of it would be very appreciable.

  • Archangel 2.7 years ago

    @IcePhoenix I have a request....
    I loved this, very powerful ordnances and speed.
    But the stability and maneuverability is what bothering me..
    If you try to take extreme maneuvers on this, it tend to destroy the plane by itself.
    So yeah....that's my problem. Kindly take note on that.