@Treadmill103 That is a big feature lots of reworking would be nessesary for the coliders and 3d modeling system. I just don't think that idea would be feasible.
@AndrewGarrison is there ever a limit to what SimplePlanes on Android can handle? I iam creating a store twice as large and am vary surprised to find that the game can handle the parts without crashing.
@EternalDarkness I also need help installing a time warp mod.
Warning: While loading mod ' Overload ', a
provider factory for service
" Jundroo.SimplePlanes. ModTools.DevConsole.I
DevConsole ' could not be found.
Warning: While loading mod ' Overload ', a
provider factory for service
" Jundroo.SimplePlanes. ModTools.IEnvironment
Manager ' could not be found.
Warning: While loading mod ' Overload ', a
provider factory for service
' Jundroo.SimplePlanes. ModTools.IGameCamer
a ' could not be found.
Warning: While loading mod ' Overload ', a
Can one of you transfer the upvotes from my outdated build to this post and then make this post a successor of IKEA Challenge? I would also like to know how to make future revisions of this send successor points to the challenge. Thanks.
@Appl772 @AN2Felllla @BeastHunter @SadBoye12 @DangerJones @Aviator01 @DEN12345 @Thunderhawk @ConnorLynch @TechnoJoe @VolcanicAsh Today is the last day for rating.
@Vincent this person has four. I have seen some with as many as six.
@AndrewGarrison ty. Can I turn overwriting off by adding a line to one of the settings related .xml files? If so which one?
@JuanNotAnAlt the last question was for @AndrewGarrison
@AndrewGarrison am I right in what I said?
@JuanNotAnAlt I think the backup file is overwritten every time a plane is loaded into the level.
@JuanNotAnAlt are you running windows?
@JuanNotAnAlt set it to show known extensions.
@Vincent then i feel there should be a way to upload 6 images from Android.
@Vincent I want to put my video here.
@Vincent so I can't embed a video of my IKEA Virtual Store in the description?
@AndrewGarrison best plane background ever! How did you do it?
@Vincent How do you embed videos?
@GlowingBrick I have it on my Computer
@Treadmill103 That is a big feature lots of reworking would be nessesary for the coliders and 3d modeling system. I just don't think that idea would be feasible.
@Hunsolo that is fairly large feature.
@Mike563 did you mention me?
@AndrewGarrison is there ever a limit to what SimplePlanes on Android can handle? I iam creating a store twice as large and am vary surprised to find that the game can handle the parts without crashing.
Thanks for making this such a stable game.
Nice design @Mike563
@SodiumIodide Do you own any of those chemicals? If so what happens if you try to supporate them into Sdium, Idiodate, and water?
@EternalDarkness @Vincent What is spotlighting supposed to do? I spotlight other people and nothing seems to happen.
@EternalDarkness here
@EternalDarkness IKEA Challenge
@EternalDarkness please make this a successor of the IKEA challenge.
@EternalDarkness please make this a successor of the IKEA challenge.
@SilverStar I am wondering if you know what the requirements for spotlighting are?
@SilverStar did the wheel blowup as well?
@asteroidbook345 It is perfectly scaled. Check it out
@JuanAlt don't worry my Billy has an included manual that has lots of parts. Billy-x is my fictional version of Billy. It has tones of parts.
@KnightOfRen @Vincent I would love more stuff. Just trying to push my phone to the limits of android un-modded SimplePlanes.
Updated IKEA Virtual Store is now.
@ElvisPresleyForever I had to re-upload the post so it was a successsor of the IKEA Challenge.
@Inuyasha8215 I had to re-upload the post so it was a successsor of the IKEA Challenge.
@EternalDarkness I also need help installing a time warp mod.
Warning: While loading mod ' Overload ', a
provider factory for service
" Jundroo.SimplePlanes. ModTools.DevConsole.I
DevConsole ' could not be found.
Warning: While loading mod ' Overload ', a
provider factory for service
" Jundroo.SimplePlanes. ModTools.IEnvironment
Manager ' could not be found.
Warning: While loading mod ' Overload ', a
provider factory for service
' Jundroo.SimplePlanes. ModTools.IGameCamer
a ' could not be found.
Warning: While loading mod ' Overload ', a
@EternalDarkness Thanks, how do I get people to unupvote the outdated one?
Can one of you transfer the upvotes from my outdated build to this post and then make this post a successor of IKEA Challenge? I would also like to know how to make future revisions of this send successor points to the challenge. Thanks.
@JuanAlt ok I have been trying to contact the mods to fix the auto credit.
@SodiumIodide sorry I removed your tag.
@GoldenEagle55 this is out dated.
@Oxyea it's outdated.
@Appl772 @AN2Felllla @BeastHunter @SadBoye12 @DangerJones @Aviator01 @DEN12345 @Thunderhawk @ConnorLynch @TechnoJoe @VolcanicAsh Today is the last day for rating.
@EternalDarkness I need help.
This is huge check it out in a 1 to 1 shack. IKEA Virtual Store
@JuanAlt Yes I did it. It is properly scaled, well detailed and very IKEA like.
@eternaldarkness Can you please set the image fore this to the updated version?
I am considering joining the contest with a project realistic style build approach. I am thinking of authentic particle board.
It should only contain several hundred particles instead of thousands.
@Krmo Well I had to put Prohect Realistic house where somebody would find it.
@SnoWFLakE0s I am working on the IKEA Showcase Shak which will be updated as people submit their builds.
I made a IKEA model which showcases everyone's hard work.
@Appl772 Next time have it as a successor.