@RamboJutter Ah yes, that must have been the problem. Thank you! This method is way simpler than having to mess around with two rotators at the same time.
@RamboJutter I tried the first one you suggested but for me doesn't work for some reason. But I already managed to achieve this by using two rotators for each door.
@RamboJutter Thank you!
@RamboJutter Is there any way to increase the period of time the door stays open?
@RamboJutter Ah yes, that must have been the problem. Thank you! This method is way simpler than having to mess around with two rotators at the same time.
@RamboJutter I tried the first one you suggested but for me doesn't work for some reason. But I already managed to achieve this by using two rotators for each door.
@jamesPLANESii Thanks!
Now if I join I it puts us in different channels. WHat does this mean? Now I can't see that my friend joins and I cannot see im too.
Thank you @Ultra0 the second server you suggested works just fine!
Thank you guys for all the positive feedback!
@Poomch980 Thank you too for reacting so fast!
@ND40X Oh, I would've never thought of this. Thanks!
@Poomch980 I'm using windows. But as far as I've read the designersuite mod doesn't have anything to do with this
@Kobih Is this right?
+2@Kobih Ok, I'll try my best.
How wide do you need it to be?
@Reuben201103 Yeah, that would be nice!
@Reuben201103 No problem! I would have done another but I guess I'm too late now.
@Reuben201103 I think I fixed it. It's up on my account.
Sorry I forgot the exhaust pipe :( I'll fix it!
@RCBOSS Thanks!
@KidKromosone Thanks!
@Stellarlabs Ich bin übrigens auch deutsch ; )
@Stellarlabs There are in general big lags on my phone.
@Dllama4 THANKS!
@QingyuZhou Thanks!
@niggelas100 Danke!Dank deinen Upvotes habe ich endlich Silber erreicht!
@niggelas100 Er sieht aber wirklich sehr cool aus, besonders die Details im Cockpit machen ganz schön was her! Echt schön gebaut!
@iLikeipads THANKS!
@Stellarlabs Finally I uploaded it!
@Stellarlabs Do you mean the BV-40?
@Stellarlabs THANKS! I will try to build that glider but at the moment I'm building a DC-3 so I can't build both planes at the same time.
@Multidimensional 1.I'm working on this 2.Yes it is 3.I don't know what you mean,it works fine!