0 Luis1432 Comments

  • Piper PA-28 Cherokee 1.5 years ago

    i fly this airplane in real life. Your aircraft is one of my favourite plane to use on SP, it has a very similar glide ratio as the real life one. Could you add an elevator trim please?

  • Scout Miro (Less Parts) 1.5 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii On both case. It's like there is not drag, the airplane take too long to lose speed on idle/power off. Aside that the plane feels realistic, you did an exelent job on the model/scale, i think this is the only plane on SP that feels like a real one when you look throught the window. (I use SP on a quest2)

  • Scout Miro (Less Parts) 1.6 years ago

    Great!! The only problem is the glide ratio. I fly a Piper Cherokee 140 irl and at glide speed 70knot and throttler to idle, i get like 700 vsi., in this plane you get like 300vsi with power off.