0 LuizHenry Comments

  • There's a MONSTER in the game. 7.8 years ago


  • There's a MONSTER in the game. 7.8 years ago

    Can this be here?

    Another great sea creature is the Pacific Giant Octopus, which can weigh up to 270 pounds. In the past, it was believed to be capable of sinking ships. But this octopus is actually timid and lurks in burrows on rocks and cracks in the ocean floor. The distance between the ends of its eight tentacles can reach 10 meters, and it has the largest invertebrate brain. In fact, octopuses are very intelligent and can learn to perform complex tasks, such as getting out of a maze and turning the lid of a pot to open it!

    Like the giant squid, the Pacific octopus manages to camouflage by changing color, to use jet propulsion to move in the water and escape the danger by squirting a dense cloud of paint. He can even get out of the water for a short time to look for food on dry land!

    These creatures from the depths truly give praise to the name of their Creator, Jehovah. Appropriately, the biblical psalmist sang: "Praise Jehovah from the earth, ye sea-monsters and all waters of deep." - Psalm 148: 7.

    Site (in portuguese): http://wol.jw.org/pt/wol/d/r5/lp-t/102009447

  • There's a MONSTER in the game. 7.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 But why did not anyone talk about it? There must be a little mystery to this creature.

  • Community Collaboration Project Proposal: Project Space Station 7.8 years ago

    I look forward to getting started.
    Contact: siqueiralh7768@gmail.com