@TheLatentImage https://www.bilibili.com/video/av19975246/ I have already posted it but it is being checked by the web administrator. It will be available in a few hours.
@TheLatentImage Thank you for upvot! I have already made a video but It's difficult to open YouTube in our country, you know ;w; I will upload the video to other site video site called BiliBili later.
@Supercraft888 I changed the max input of pistons to large numbers. If you want it to start at some distance apart,you can change the direction to pull and set the max input as a negative value.
@Pianoman Thank you! In fact this work takes a lot of inspiration from your works.
I usually use mods such as Fine Tuner or Overload to adjust parts instead of default editor, so parts has less chance of sticking with each other.
(I hope you can understand my poor English ;w;)
Nice work!
@bjac0 请随意使用!当然如果方便可以留一个Credit
@BaconEggs Thank you!
@zombieuncle 这台目的只是为了测试反向腿的步行手感和尽量降低游玩门槛以便让大家测试,外形确实并没考虑太多,系列还会有更多作品的,下次尽量会做的好看!谢谢建议!
@Awsomur @DarthAbhinav
+1In fact...
I am Chinese ;w;
Nice design! Like the way it transformed!
+1@TheLatentImage https://www.bilibili.com/video/av19975246/ I have already posted it but it is being checked by the web administrator. It will be available in a few hours.
+1@TheLatentImage Thank you for upvot! I have already made a video but It's difficult to open YouTube in our country, you know ;w; I will upload the video to other site video site called BiliBili later.
@MI いいえ 中国人です
Sorry I do not know what you mean.
@Pianoman I often forget to up vote QwQ. Now I‘m trying to make it up
+1@rubbishcraft 我觉得无所谓的,我无权干涉别人抒发观点,不过我也觉得我自己不理亏。要是我英语好的话也想说几句的,但是现在看矛盾还在,我怕造成误会,还是不乱说话了
@haogejiuhaoge1 377906941
@Supercraft888 I changed the max input of pistons to large numbers. If you want it to start at some distance apart,you can change the direction to pull and set the max input as a negative value.
@haogejiuhaoge1 我木有直播的啊!不过有时候进吧服玩,也在联机群里边
@Pianoman Thank you! In fact this work takes a lot of inspiration from your works.
I usually use mods such as Fine Tuner or Overload to adjust parts instead of default editor, so parts has less chance of sticking with each other.
(I hope you can understand my poor English ;w;)
@ValtsuAircraftIndustries It's an original design.Thank you for reminding!
@DarthAbhinav No I'm not Hyperloop :3 But he taught me a lot