By the way, bombers are an air to ground aircraft. They have bombs for pummeling ground targets, not taking down fighters. I don’t think something with 2 guns and a minigun would take down something I took 3 months to make.
I know my stuff LastManStanding@LastManStanding
Also, I can’t help but point out that even if the C-Bombers overpowered them they would’ve been able to escape as Arc Dreadnoughts are way faster than them. Please don’t get angry just don’t change the storyline too much or kill of characters on out third episode ok?
there was a gif there I followed the way it says on the page with the overload properties at the bottom and uploaded it to imgur and posted it there it should have one@EternalDarkness
Ok mr mature.@LastManStanding
So you want the center of thrust lower. Then just move the jets down.@Flash0of0green
By the way, bombers are an air to ground aircraft. They have bombs for pummeling ground targets, not taking down fighters. I don’t think something with 2 guns and a minigun would take down something I took 3 months to make.
I know my stuff LastManStanding@LastManStanding
You know why I said that? Because you freaked out as soon as I helped someone else so how would I know you wouldn’t freak out on this.@LastManStanding
I never knew you did make them to do that. So how would you expect to me to know that?@LastManStanding
Well that’s nice.@LastManStanding
Who said? It’s my series.@LastManStanding
That’s Star Wars buddy, c bombers don’t go Mach 4.@LastManStanding
So you want to make it VTOL?@Flash0of0green
What’s ctm? Center of mass?
Also, I can’t help but point out that even if the C-Bombers overpowered them they would’ve been able to escape as Arc Dreadnoughts are way faster than them. Please don’t get angry just don’t change the storyline too much or kill of characters on out third episode ok?
general Kreeb and commander maker are on opposite sides and your on my team look at the previous one. The rest is great
Ok cool!@LastManStanding
I forgot but you can write the next one right now.@LastManStanding
most people are@Reaper140
Thanks, you can look at some of my stuff as inspiration if you like@Reaper140
Illuminati confirmed@melojam
Ok thanks@EternalDarkness
there was a gif there I followed the way it says on the page with the overload properties at the bottom and uploaded it to imgur and posted it there it should have one@EternalDarkness
Alexa will never play despacito
No just custom@Reaper140
Thanks I will.@Braynie0904
I guess that’s the best way to dispose of her@Numbers
I’m sorry but I can’t accept that request.@Gameboi14
Wow this is absolutely amazing
I could help you in it if you like. I may not be much use cause I’m not as high ranked as you are@BeryllCorp
Maybe a custom weapon pack
look at this
Are you still online?@BeryllCorp
I’ll give you video proof once it uploads.@BeryllCorp
Look at my design Mr Jenkins and throw him at a wall or something, he won’t break@BeryllCorp
I don’t get much upvotes and the planes I’d like to have, like this one. I’m not saying I don’t get upvotes though.@Shnippy
I just released it. Have fun, his name is mr jenkins@Shnippy
Thanks. I’m about to release a ragdoll@Shnippy
you have to do every part for it to work buddy
They work well on my personal version@Shnippy
I suggest adding some of my KEV-2 air to ground missiles.@Shnippy
Thanks. I’ll fix that in the next one@Shnippy
What do you think of my arc greenie?@Shnippy
Any plane you want. I’ll take your latest tank@Shnippy
Did you see the other comment?
Just because you’ve been so nice I’ll give you a free plane included!@Shnippy