@c144538707 没有作品参考
@c144538707 泥头车毛茸兔 今天刚刚做起来 之后实习 会鸽一段时间
@c144538707 对 新的那个
@MaoRongTu 但不会完全自动化开火 那么做有点没品
@c144538707 下次研究MB的时候 可能会用上随动转轴去辅助开火 类似于半自动
@c144538707 是的 装备了六发鱼雷 三发对舰导弹 机枪也得到强化
@c144538707 有点问题 再调整下
@c144538707 感谢
@MaoRongTu 大学毕业的作业 是做艺术设计
@c144538707 吼吼 最近在搞作业… 可能会等会
@c144538707 b站是有 不怎么用
@c144538707 好哦 不过感觉之前实验的时候 弹射力度加强会损坏驾驶舱导致判定损坏呢
@c144538707 之后的Mark-Battler 猎标战机也是原创
@c144538707 Landing-Battler是完全原创 从零开始制作的
@c144538707 还好评论区可以
@c144538707 之前想简介上打出中文 最后全是空心方块 刁哦…
@c144538707 我看官网上打出来一堆乱码 没想到评论能打出中文 呀哈哈
@c144538707 If it's needed,may be rebuild.
@c144538707 Only error command will cause self-destruction .But the firepowder loaded too much…huh
Type Landing-Battler is too old,now the type Mark-Battler still building…
@c144538707 It's too dangerous to control,then I banned it.
@c144538707 Oh.I see.Thanks.Thought these suggestions maybe will prove on new LB.
@c144538707 oh.
Rather than a crane,it's like a riot horse a bit more.
Use the Launcher in wrong Shooting-angle maybe fxxk itself up…huh~
This realistic LB is too old.Maybe a new kind of LB is needed…maybe with laser weapon or something else.Oh my…
@c144538707 Yuppie~~! It's coming!
@c144538707 Oh you're so sweet.Thank you anyway.Dude
@c144538707 My apologies. That to hard to do in this structure plan (Whole LB type series ) …
@c144538707 没有作品参考
+1@c144538707 泥头车毛茸兔 今天刚刚做起来 之后实习 会鸽一段时间
@c144538707 对 新的那个
@MaoRongTu 但不会完全自动化开火 那么做有点没品
@c144538707 下次研究MB的时候 可能会用上随动转轴去辅助开火 类似于半自动
@c144538707 是的 装备了六发鱼雷 三发对舰导弹 机枪也得到强化
@c144538707 有点问题 再调整下
@c144538707 感谢
@MaoRongTu 大学毕业的作业 是做艺术设计
@c144538707 吼吼 最近在搞作业… 可能会等会
@c144538707 b站是有 不怎么用
@c144538707 好哦 不过感觉之前实验的时候 弹射力度加强会损坏驾驶舱导致判定损坏呢
@c144538707 之后的Mark-Battler 猎标战机也是原创
@c144538707 Landing-Battler是完全原创 从零开始制作的
@c144538707 还好评论区可以
@c144538707 之前想简介上打出中文 最后全是空心方块 刁哦…
@c144538707 我看官网上打出来一堆乱码 没想到评论能打出中文 呀哈哈
@c144538707 If it's needed,may be rebuild.
@c144538707 Only error command will cause self-destruction .But the firepowder loaded too much…huh
Type Landing-Battler is too old,now the type Mark-Battler still building…
@c144538707 It's too dangerous to control,then I banned it.
@c144538707 Oh.I see.Thanks.Thought these suggestions maybe will prove on new LB.
@c144538707 oh.
Rather than a crane,it's like a riot horse a bit more.
Use the Launcher in wrong Shooting-angle maybe fxxk itself up…huh~
This realistic LB is too old.Maybe a new kind of LB is needed…maybe with laser weapon or something else.Oh my…
@c144538707 Yuppie~~! It's coming!
@c144538707 Oh you're so sweet.Thank you anyway.Dude
@c144538707 My apologies. That to hard to do in this structure plan (Whole LB type series ) …