sorry thought i did amazing
yeah it was beast didn't i rate it @UnknownVectors
The X-02 Wyvern @TheSoundofLight
exactly so did u google that plane @TheSoundofLight
not trying to be rude only bring up a point that no one should comment on building styles of others @TheSoundofLight
yeah but along this line of only building hypnoplanesand being at 4k, for your building style its surprising u r aT GOLD @TheSoundofLight
yeah its pc or xbox or playstation, google the X-02 wyvern, I'm building on and I'm almost finished, it should be up tonight @TheSoundofLight
have u ever played ace combat @TheSoundofLight
yeah, but hypnotoad him self doesn't even care, i feel like ppl on here have the freedom to build what they want@TheSoundofLight
Sure, yeah i aint that big of a fan of it either, no i wanted just to ask u y u said that to unkownvectors @TheSoundofLight
bro y r u dissing Unkownvectors, y can't he make hypnoplanes?@TheSoundofLight
r u gonna be on later @Nickasaurusrex
Great, well im off to bed cya later @Nickasaurusrex
Great! Now apply it to a plane
K @Nickasaurusrex
bro, i didn't have the knowledge i gained it from trial and error @Nickasaurusrex
@JacobHardy64 thnx
dude, u can do it too @Nickasaurusrex
haha @Nickasaurusrex
y @Nickasaurusrex
@Nickasaurusrex this is only the beginning.......
np @Nightraider
@Jshay Thnx bro
@Tanandog sweet planes dude
hmmmm @Exumer
Night buddy @WalrusAircraft
ok @Th3Champ
:( well i still do it but i live and die with modded wings @Th3Champ
no modded wings??@Th3Champ
Maybe @Th3Champ
yeah buddy @Nickasaurusrex
Sorry can't color the afterburner:( @Exumer
k cya @Nickasaurusrex
@ololooleg thnx
ill help u @Nickasaurusrex
sorry thought i did amazing
yeah it was beast didn't i rate it @UnknownVectors
The X-02 Wyvern @TheSoundofLight
exactly so did u google that plane @TheSoundofLight
not trying to be rude only bring up a point that no one should comment on building styles of others @TheSoundofLight
yeah but along this line of only building hypnoplanesand being at 4k, for your building style its surprising u r aT GOLD @TheSoundofLight
yeah its pc or xbox or playstation, google the X-02 wyvern, I'm building on and I'm almost finished, it should be up tonight @TheSoundofLight
have u ever played ace combat @TheSoundofLight
yeah, but hypnotoad him self doesn't even care, i feel like ppl on here have the freedom to build what they want@TheSoundofLight
Sure, yeah i aint that big of a fan of it either, no i wanted just to ask u y u said that to unkownvectors @TheSoundofLight
bro y r u dissing Unkownvectors, y can't he make hypnoplanes?@TheSoundofLight
r u gonna be on later @Nickasaurusrex
Great, well im off to bed cya later @Nickasaurusrex
Great! Now apply it to a plane
K @Nickasaurusrex
bro, i didn't have the knowledge i gained it from trial and error @Nickasaurusrex
@JacobHardy64 thnx
dude, u can do it too @Nickasaurusrex
haha @Nickasaurusrex
y @Nickasaurusrex
@Nickasaurusrex this is only the beginning.......
np @Nightraider
@Jshay Thnx bro
@Tanandog sweet planes dude
hmmmm @Exumer
Night buddy @WalrusAircraft
ok @Th3Champ
:( well i still do it but i live and die with modded wings @Th3Champ
no modded wings??@Th3Champ
Maybe @Th3Champ
yeah buddy @Nickasaurusrex
Sorry can't color the afterburner:( @Exumer
k cya @Nickasaurusrex
@JacobHardy64 thnx
@ololooleg thnx
ill help u @Nickasaurusrex