Hey, would you mind checking out the submarine i made, its kind the first thing ive made where ive spent a ton of time on and i just wanna know if its any good,thnx@JMicah4
@Scriefers I saw what you said, thanks for trying it, how much smaller would u say right now it is 5 wide and about 4 tall and idk how long how much smaller do you think i should make it?, but even though it is large does it look good, and be honest!
i really appreciate that coming from a genius like yourself @hypnotoad
what do you mean it won't go forward? @BaconAndEggs96
no problem bro, just returning the favor thnx so much btw for looking at my sub you brought a ton of other people to look at it @hypnotoad
It was the first build I've done that i really am proud of, what'd you think of the performance @BaconAndEggs96
Just mind blowing bro, just mind blowing
@BaconAndEggs96 thnx
thnx so much bro it means alot @BaconAndEggs96
hey i made a submarine and if you wouldn't mind checking it out heres the link https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/A4m6Js/USS-Texas-SSN-775
no problem bro @BaconAndEggs96
here you go!
Nice sub, if you wanna check out mine here is the link https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/A4m6Js/USS-Texas-SSN-775
Can you check out a submarine i made please @WeeBabySeamus
Sweet build @Authros
nice bro
thnx bro, its really the first build I'm proud of and I'm really happy you guys like it @PlanesOfOld
i live in VA not the far from norfolk where they are built along with a ton of other awesome vessels @Hypnoticchicken
not the texas but I've seen the minnesota and the virgina @Hypnoticchicken
yeah its a beast of epic proportions @Hypnoticchicken
hey i made a submarine and i just wanna know what you think of it would you mind checking it out?@AndrewGarrison
Dang thats amazing
Will do, yeah it i going to be quite a monster if it works @hypnotoad
Thanks so much, i think niw that I got the design down im gonna try to make it real size and add torpedo tubes and VLS tubes @hypnotoad
bro thanks so much, this means so much to me @hypnotoad
Finished my sub bro, plz tell me what you think @hypnotoad
Sweet bro @lindv
@JMicah4 thnx
Hey, would you mind checking out the submarine i made, its kind the first thing ive made where ive spent a ton of time on and i just wanna know if its any good,thnx@JMicah4
Sweet design bro! Spot on @JMicah4
@11366961 , @DADOU thnx guys
Sweet sub bro
Finished my sub bro, i didnt end up using your dive syestem but thnx anyway @tjxqwy
Sweet sub dude!!! Design is spot on! If you wouldn't mind can you check out my sub and tell me what you think thnx bro
I'm confused @Allstarship
Thanks so much, how did u devise it??@tjxqwy
Sorry bro i am american, but thnx to your brilliant diving syestem in your sub i just used it in mine, if thats ok@tjxqwy
Thnx for helping me im not to good at this game@PlanesOfOld
Thnx bro @PlanesOfOld
Im looking at the typhoon class and its tower looks too smooth for any buliding methods, do you happen to know any???@PlanesOfOld
K I'll try that, this is gonna be quite the challenge @PlanesOfOld
K typhoon class it is but i still dont know how to get it to dive, your insanely good at this thats y im asking@PlanesOfOld
How about the typhoon class????@PlanesOfOld
Ok like what i dont know to many😱@PlanesOfOld
So i wanna make my own? Whats wrong with thar @PlanesOfOld
Thnx bro, do u have any ideas on how i can make dive control?
Im trying to make a Virginia class attack sub but i have no idea how to make it dive can you please help@hypnotoad
How did you create that dive control, im trying to make a virginia class attack sub but i cant firgure out how to get it to dive@tjxqwy
nice work!@Scriefers
what is Zing2000 talking about? @51445218
Nice job
@Scriefers I saw what you said, thanks for trying it, how much smaller would u say right now it is 5 wide and about 4 tall and idk how long how much smaller do you think i should make it?, but even though it is large does it look good, and be honest!