@TheBroadside I like a DSR 50 with dual band and FMJ. works especially well with smoke. as my secondary, an MP7 or MSMC with laser works pretty well. if not that, well, a Beretta 23R, once again, does exceptionally well.
I don't know what scares me more...the fact that if there were characters speaking of would be in screenplay format, or that you took the time to write this. Other than that contracts.
@TheBroadside I'm really excited for Rank 43 because I unlock my favorite sniper, the Ballista.
@TheBroadside I like a DSR 50 with dual band and FMJ. works especially well with smoke. as my secondary, an MP7 or MSMC with laser works pretty well. if not that, well, a Beretta 23R, once again, does exceptionally well.
An FA-38
@ForeverPie hahaha
@Pilotmario was sweet! I love the AWM
@ForeverPie Ecks dee
@RedstoneAeroAviation add infinite fuel, add an extra jet, and une nudge to put it in the desired location.
...or an AWM sniper
Hey,@Pilotmario, can you try an M300 Intervention?
Sometimes CoT adjustments can help, too
@RedstoneAeroAviation hmmm...try messing with the airfoil on the primary wings and stabilizers.
Try adjust the CoM and CoL vertically to match
@FlyingThings yep. A toddler can successfully play Just Dance
The Ace Combat is strong with this one...
@Liquidfox yes!
@helilover03 basically. Just google island hopper planes
@ForeverPie jeez
What. Is. In. The. Background. On. The. First. Picture.
Well. I'm excited for your V-22. Message me when you post it!
no words
Oh...I know the feeling...My condolences for you having to face them.
( to make it a successor/)@Liquidfox
@Liquidfox ah. Sorry for the confusion. It would make it much easier.
@helilover03 well, it's a plane that operates for low capacity flights on archipelagos, from island to island.
@Gemista no no no it's fine.
@TheBroadside haha. Switched to a Berretta 23R. Prefer it. I feel the burst fire compliments my low level setup w/ a SWAT-556.
@JMicah4 @SkullsAndCrossbones @Verterium @saturn28 look up speak the capybara
@Gemista Ah. Thanks.
@phanps okay. I'll upload I in a bit!
No. Sorry if the link didn't work. Here's the URL: https://m.youtube.com/?reload=7&rdm=2leyxq5f7#/watch?v=p7RRv1UJ8O8
@DaKraken well, you know the picture in the circle when your profile comes up?
But aren't you greek?
@Gemista in pods. Gives you a good contrail.
Or USE America
A flying USS Gerald Ford.
Is your thing (pic ) a letter T as in a Google account T?
Well, you just gained a sub.
I don't know what scares me more...the fact that if there were characters speaking of would be in screenplay format, or that you took the time to write this. Other than that contracts.
Omg lol autocorrect why?????? I meant related
Judging by the paint, I'd say it's fire fighter retarded
@phanps do you want to see a successor?
@phanps hmmm... I don't know. I guess people don't care for looking through things...
@Gemista ...SR did a few with interceptors in pods...
@ZephyrSystems well, you said that, so here goes: @AndrewGarrison
Or maybe a space themes movie...arrival, pehaps? 2001: a space oddissy? Just suggesting some things.
Try playing Mass Affect. Or, (and this game is a waste of money) infinite warfare.