202 Megagamer250 Comments

  • WW2 mission plane 2.0 9.0 years ago

    Oh and this is my favorite plane so I like editing and messing with it.

  • WW2 mission plane 2.0 9.0 years ago

    @salvador3031 Yeah, lol it helps to have mission planes, BTW I did see what you said on the lsat one about credit to OP but I forgot on this one and don't think I can edit the desc. once it's posted.

  • Fixed 9.0 years ago

    Wow...I spent like 15 mins trying to get it to work, well I fell really dumb.

  • LOL press play and be in the air 9.1 years ago

    @deezducks ok thx! Now I won't have this problem again

  • Dan-bat wing volt 9.1 years ago

    @dan242 sorry I was transferring to my computer. BTW nice plane.

  • Orange falcon 9.1 years ago

    @ahappyape I was transferring to my computer

  • LOL press play and be in the air 9.1 years ago

    I just want to say all my stuff that is "stolen" I am mainly transferring from my phone to my computer. ( If they is a way to do that any other way please tell me) I didn't mean to steal people's stuff. @deezducks @dan242 @general360 @planefun @homersdougnut @me600

  • Space Conflict (CHALLENGE) (Finished) 9.2 years ago

    @DogeZ nvm

  • Space Conflict (CHALLENGE) (Finished) 9.2 years ago

    @DogeZ do the spaceships have to fly well, just look like a plane or just do basic flight things?

  • JATO Seaplane 10.0 years ago

    It nose dove really bad. Looks good but isn't really that fast and very hard to control because of the nose dives.

  • B-2 Spirit 10.0 years ago

    Looks cool but It doesn't fly. It flips over and over on the runway. I gave it 2 because of the looks.