15 MellowAlex Comments

  • F-14 TomCat 10.2 years ago

    Im talking about the plane not ur craftsmanship too

  • F-14 TomCat 10.2 years ago

    I do agree it looks pretty sweet but maybe not the best looking ever :) looks awesome nice work.

  • F-35 VTOL 10.2 years ago

    I guess I got the concept down not the looks

  • F-35 VTOL 10.2 years ago

    Oops sry I'll try to fixx that thx!

  • Valkyrie 10.2 years ago

    I have not downloaded the plane yet but I will, pretty nice "measly" attmpt! This is one of my favourite planes and I was waiting for someone to make it and was about to do so myself until I saw this! Very cool