@Aarav could you allow tanketts ? (Small tanks with 20 or 35 mm auto cannons with armor piercing capabilitys)edit: what I'm talking about is completely different so this is just a advanced light tank
@Hiimakeplanes we have faster and more maneuverable fighters that when equipped with missles can easily get a lock on a enemy bomber and it's escorts before they know it's there
@Yeitcatplanes I don't believe there maneuverable anough to be a fighter bomber but as a light bomber to quickly dash through territory it should do finely if I'm guessing the speed correctly
@McChezborger it's a joke
@Aarav could you allow tanketts ? (Small tanks with 20 or 35 mm auto cannons with armor piercing capabilitys)edit: what I'm talking about is completely different so this is just a advanced light tank
@Robomo00119 sure I probably wouldn't use it but why not
@Aarav Fortris peoples said they where gonna use j90s
@Aarav ah ok
F-125 block 2 might become a thing if this is true.....
@Yeitcatplanes @Hiimakeplanes @Numbers2 bois we can use j90s I think
@Hannyboy @Mastereldo thanks for allowing me to upgrade my f-125 to go hypersonic
@Hannyboy also atleast my team didn't make a literall 5th gen jet without the stealth lol
@Mastereldo I have no idea what's going on
@Mastereldo yeah but they allowed the f-18
@NotNewHere wow
@Hannyboy yea true
This was the best.... Until the VR UPDATE
Make a none simple one
@Aarav oh.....
@TASTEinc ah ok, I'm makeing a custom cockpit for my f-86 and one sec
I don't believe electricity will ever work for fighter jets Mainly because of how the power has to be extracted (propeller)but nice plane
@Aarav @TASTEinc
@TASTEinc Wow my jet wing loading is nearly 50lbs/ft^2
@Mastereldo @Aarav let us use 4 power engines now, also this is abit slow and can't control very well at high altitudes
@TASTEinc wanna see it so far?
@TASTEinc and I ment the b-80 exist for bombing
@TASTEinc a I r c r a f t c a r r i e r
@TASTEinc my b-80 exist though......
Does @Aarav allow 2 engines on interceptors now!?!?!?!? He said on the "engines"
@Mastereldo this is literally ahead of its time, we are in the 1960s, I'ma up my game abit
@TASTEinc I'm building a fictional variant of a f-86 for the challenge
@Robomo00119 my f-86 has risen from the dead and is being remade despite my progress on simpleplanes being whipped out of existence
Oh me oh my that's a large cannon on a bush cannon, following and upvoteing
@TASTEinc you might need to remind me every few days, the f-86 and f4u are being made though
This is my time to shine
@Noname918181 @ACEPILOT109 I have planes that go 600-700 mph at sea level and 1500+ mph at higher altitudes
@TASTEinc ok
@TASTEinc I mostly want missles and air dominance
@TASTEinc you shouldn't have said "a-10" I'ma finish up the f-225
@TASTEinc yeah, and the b-56 can hold alot of weight
@TASTEinc now I know what to do with the most likely outdated b-56
@TASTEinc the only ground attacker I will probably make is a tankett if @Aarav allows high fire rate low caliber guns for tanks
@Hiimakeplanes keep I'n mind the moment we deploy it I'm combat there gonna try to make a even bigger bomb so it's best used for emergencys
@Hiimakeplanes also if it just a giant 50,000 pound missle it's not a atomic bomb
@Hiimakeplanes we have faster and more maneuverable fighters that when equipped with missles can easily get a lock on a enemy bomber and it's escorts before they know it's there
@Hiimakeplanes taste inc has a spy being sent over to regain our advantage
@Yeitcatplanes I don't believe there maneuverable anough to be a fighter bomber but as a light bomber to quickly dash through territory it should do finely if I'm guessing the speed correctly
@Hiimakeplanes o k that's concerning we don't want that kind of conflict
@Hiimakeplanes I've countered that with flaps and a all moving tail, the flaps are only needed at high altitudes when turning tightly
@Aarav am I allowed to use a VTOL engine and nozzle to make a after burner flame but without power and weight?
I will get some more mauniverbility out of the f-125
@TASTEinc nice