@Vassili 😂
@sus232 Don't be too sad. For the best, at least he won't be troubled by colitis anymore.
@sus232 Wow, really?
@Crystallize It's a bit like it🤔
@Rafalemmm 但其实只有飞机和一个舰船零件计算风阻,还是很mobile friendly的😉
@Rafalemmm 😂风阻不整大点拐弯就漂移了
@ARU556 😂
@NusaFly003 yes
@WorstPlaneIEverMake 😉
@YamatoHotel I'm also confused about this. Maybe there are too many anti-aircraft guns🤔
@wangraorao 因为造这艘船的时候我还没掌握将阻力调零来降低运行负担的技巧,所以对手机有点不友好😂 不过现在掌握了
@wangraorao 😉
@abman When I make the plane too complex, this situation will also occur. It may be related to air resistance, and I have no effective solution now😂
@abman In fact, I think yours is better than mine
@Amogusisded Oh, I'm wrong. It's not animation. It's a mobile game called Warship Girls R.
@Obtheplanedestroyer I haven't mastered the relevant technology😔
@Amogusisded yes
@MrShenanigansSP thanks😉
Damn it, I forgot to install the aircraft gun. (╯°Д°)╯︵┴┴
@ImSimon It can't be controlled. It's just a decoration.
@Bogey 😉
@Airbusfan12345 I don't know if it's a bug. Now I can't see that picture myself, but it's so strange that others can see it... Her name is Changchun. She's a character in a war ship girl game.
@TatsuTheOtaku thanks😉
@leftwaffel This is my specialty, because I don't have a good equipment.😂
@STOPFINNINGSHARKS Do it yourself, you can.
@Juniovietnam I mean Richelieu and my other works.
@Juniovietnam At least let me know before you fix it.
@Juniovietnam 🤣👉 🖕🤡
@WolfHunter9111 You're right. ;)
@PaperPlaneHasDream 如此甚好😌
@JaveIin I will do it,next time.(下次一定)|・ω・`)
@hzhhzh Activate 1,and lock target.
@PaperPlaneHasDream 那个就是我自己啊😂
@UserP194 Maybe....
@belief 变啦(。ò ∀ ó。)
@belief 在个人主页的头像上面有个蓝色的Manage Account,点进去之后在那个蓝色的Save键上面有一行蓝色的小字,点进去就是那个网站。
@belief 好像是要在某个网站注册一个账号,然后把sp官网的账号跟那个账号绑定,再在那个账号上面改头像。具体怎么操作我也忘了┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
@chemmey Thanks
ching kuo是谁啊
,,,I thought you started building it today😂
@Typhoon03 You built it so fast(゜ロ゜) nice job👍
@Typhoon03 OK
@Typhoon03 But, what's BCGN?
@Typhoon03 Sure.
@Vassili 😂
@sus232 Don't be too sad. For the best, at least he won't be troubled by colitis anymore.
+1@sus232 Wow, really?
@Crystallize It's a bit like it🤔
+2@Rafalemmm 但其实只有飞机和一个舰船零件计算风阻,还是很mobile friendly的😉
@Rafalemmm 😂风阻不整大点拐弯就漂移了
@ARU556 😂
@NusaFly003 yes
@WorstPlaneIEverMake 😉
+1@YamatoHotel I'm also confused about this. Maybe there are too many anti-aircraft guns🤔
+1@wangraorao 因为造这艘船的时候我还没掌握将阻力调零来降低运行负担的技巧,所以对手机有点不友好😂 不过现在掌握了
@wangraorao 😉
@abman When I make the plane too complex, this situation will also occur. It may be related to air resistance, and I have no effective solution now😂
+1@abman In fact, I think yours is better than mine
+1@Amogusisded Oh, I'm wrong. It's not animation. It's a mobile game called Warship Girls R.
+1@Obtheplanedestroyer I haven't mastered the relevant technology😔
+1@Amogusisded yes
+1@MrShenanigansSP thanks😉
+2Damn it, I forgot to install the aircraft gun.
@ImSimon It can't be controlled. It's just a decoration.
+1@Bogey 😉
+1@Airbusfan12345 I don't know if it's a bug. Now I can't see that picture myself, but it's so strange that others can see it... Her name is Changchun. She's a character in a war ship girl game.
+1@TatsuTheOtaku thanks😉
+2@leftwaffel This is my specialty, because I don't have a good equipment.😂
+2@STOPFINNINGSHARKS Do it yourself, you can.
+2@Juniovietnam I mean Richelieu and my other works.
@Juniovietnam At least let me know before you fix it.
@Juniovietnam 🤣👉 🖕🤡
@WolfHunter9111 You're right. ;)
+2@PaperPlaneHasDream 如此甚好😌
@JaveIin I will do it,next time.(下次一定)|・ω・`)
@hzhhzh Activate 1,and lock target.
@PaperPlaneHasDream 那个就是我自己啊😂
@UserP194 Maybe....
@belief 变啦(。ò ∀ ó。)
@belief 在个人主页的头像上面有个蓝色的Manage Account,点进去之后在那个蓝色的Save键上面有一行蓝色的小字,点进去就是那个网站。
@belief 好像是要在某个网站注册一个账号,然后把sp官网的账号跟那个账号绑定,再在那个账号上面改头像。具体怎么操作我也忘了┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
+2@chemmey Thanks
+1ching kuo是谁啊
,,,I thought you started building it today😂
+1@Typhoon03 You built it so fast(゜ロ゜)
+1nice job👍
@Typhoon03 OK
@Typhoon03 But, what's BCGN?
+2@Typhoon03 Sure.