1:Open the cockpit 4:Lighting 7:Open magazines 8:Automatic control pitch mode The rest are nothing
Very good transformed! Love from LA😘⚡️🌪🔪
@overlord5453 🤔🤔🤔Try pressing LandingGear once and pulling VTOL to the bottom?
@TheCommentaryGuy You're right, but each default landing gear only has 1 part😏
@CR929thenewSPplayer 不不不,能变形的变形金刚多年前就有了,不过有可能是第一个真人电影的变飞机的😂
@ART1340 This is already in my plan.next one is F-22 Starscream😉
@kiji show show way
@MrShenanigansSP thanks😉
Damn it, I forgot to install the aircraft gun. (╯°Д°)╯︵┴┴
@TatsuTheOtaku thanks😉
@leftwaffel This is my specialty, because I don't have a good equipment.😂
@STOPFINNINGSHARKS Do it yourself, you can.
@WolfHunter9111 You're right. ;)
@Typhoon03 But, what's BCGN?
@Vladimir1944 很快就不是了,075很快就到你家门口
@FinnReignSUPREME 这个我知道,他可能还不知道呀
@Tailasy 建议把f35买来,到时候被我们缴获之后说不定就整出一个J35了😉
@overlord5453 😂
@molakesi 能哦🥺
@Mousewithamachinegun122 wow 😮Actually, I haven't seen this before, but it's really similar😂.But the principle is the same.
@molakesi 好快的up
nice ship🤤🤤🤤
@molakesi 😉
@Observer404 Of course.😉
God created all things to give to humans, but humans have never done a good deed to repay God!
@HuskyDynamics01 what?🧐🤨
@Shahzod035774 ☺️
@Lerkov1991 I think maybe not because I have my own project😉
@QWQWQWQ 不不不,能变形的变形金刚好多年前就有了😂
@PersonOfTheUniverse9YT I know this, but I didn't want to change it when I found it, because they all look very similar😂
@Kendog84 ☺️
@HoshimachiSuiseiMyBeloved Thank you.😉
@Colechama https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/nXuhbQ/McDonnell-Douglas-F-4
@Ownedpilot 我也曾在那个时代尝试过造变形金刚,但那时我连最基本的外形搭建都没整明白😂。近六年又陆陆续续地尝试,得益于切割圆筒和ft的更新,总算是造出个没烂尾的闪电来了😉
@Vandermone 💈 🐢
@13879502259 漂亮滴狠呐😍
@sus232 Don't be too sad. For the best, at least he won't be troubled by colitis anymore.
+61:Open the cockpit
7:Open magazines
8:Automatic control pitch mode
The rest are nothing
Very good transformed! Love from LA😘⚡️🌪🔪
+4@overlord5453 🤔🤔🤔Try pressing LandingGear once and pulling VTOL to the bottom?
+2@TheCommentaryGuy You're right, but each default landing gear only has 1 part😏
+2@CR929thenewSPplayer 不不不,能变形的变形金刚多年前就有了,不过有可能是第一个真人电影的变飞机的😂
+2@ART1340 This is already in my plan.next one is F-22 Starscream😉
+2@kiji show show way
+2@MrShenanigansSP thanks😉
+2Damn it, I forgot to install the aircraft gun.
@TatsuTheOtaku thanks😉
+2@leftwaffel This is my specialty, because I don't have a good equipment.😂
+2@STOPFINNINGSHARKS Do it yourself, you can.
+2@WolfHunter9111 You're right. ;)
+2@Typhoon03 But, what's BCGN?
+2@Vladimir1944 很快就不是了,075很快就到你家门口
+2@FinnReignSUPREME 这个我知道,他可能还不知道呀
+2@Tailasy 建议把f35买来,到时候被我们缴获之后说不定就整出一个J35了😉
+2@overlord5453 😂
+1@MrCOPTY 😉
+1@molakesi 能哦🥺
+1@JSTQ 😉
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 wow
+1😮Actually, I haven't seen this before, but it's really similar😂.But the principle is the same.
@molakesi 好快的up
+1nice ship🤤🤤🤤
+1@molakesi 😉
+1@Observer404 Of course.😉
+1God created all things to give to humans, but humans have never done a good deed to repay God!
+1@HuskyDynamics01 what?🧐🤨
+1@Shahzod035774 ☺️
+1@Lerkov1991 I think maybe not because I have my own project😉
+1@QWQWQWQ 不不不,能变形的变形金刚好多年前就有了😂
+1@PersonOfTheUniverse9YT I know this, but I didn't want to change it when I found it, because they all look very similar😂
+1@Kendog84 ☺️
+1@HoshimachiSuiseiMyBeloved Thank you.😉
+1@Colechama https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/nXuhbQ/McDonnell-Douglas-F-4
+1@Ownedpilot 我也曾在那个时代尝试过造变形金刚,但那时我连最基本的外形搭建都没整明白😂。近六年又陆陆续续地尝试,得益于切割圆筒和ft的更新,总算是造出个没烂尾的闪电来了😉
@13879502259 漂亮滴狠呐😍
+1@sus232 Don't be too sad. For the best, at least he won't be troubled by colitis anymore.