@ChrisChrisThePy @Vladimir1944 You have never thought about who you know about these things. They usually have a fierce conflict of interest with China.If the Republic of China did not oppress the Chinese, how could PLA win? Without the CCP, we might be like India now.
@ChrisChrisThePy First, there is a saying in China that those who are the first to stir up trouble are the cheapest. Second, I don't think there will be any non permanent forces that can defeat any Permanent Five member. If you think that the United States will make support, why is the United States not willing to sell F35 to them?
@Mustang51 I used a backward gun to simulate recoil, but I've changed the damage to zero. I don't know why this happens. It's a pity. Is it because of different versions? I didn't find the cause but I will try to solve it.
@PaperPlaneHasDream 如此甚好😌
@JaveIin I will do it,next time.(下次一定)|・ω・`)
@hzhhzh Activate 1,and lock target.
@PaperPlaneHasDream 那个就是我自己啊😂
@UserP194 Maybe....
@belief 变啦(。ò ∀ ó。)
@belief 在个人主页的头像上面有个蓝色的Manage Account,点进去之后在那个蓝色的Save键上面有一行蓝色的小字,点进去就是那个网站。
@belief 好像是要在某个网站注册一个账号,然后把sp官网的账号跟那个账号绑定,再在那个账号上面改头像。具体怎么操作我也忘了┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
ching kuo是谁啊
@Typhoon03 OK
@1143 这只是一个美好的幻想,现在你也看到他们的态度了吧
@ChrisChrisThePy @Vladimir1944 You have never thought about who you know about these things. They usually have a fierce conflict of interest with China.If the Republic of China did not oppress the Chinese, how could PLA win? Without the CCP, we might be like India now.
@ChrisChrisThePy First, there is a saying in China that those who are the first to stir up trouble are the cheapest. Second, I don't think there will be any non permanent forces that can defeat any Permanent Five member. If you think that the United States will make support, why is the United States not willing to sell F35 to them?
@XxMegamonsterxX ???¿¿¿
@Tailasy 很快就不只是在游戏里了
I found that the baffle was installed in the opposite direction.
@Frenchguyn666 o(≧v≦)o
@Lordmono Sorry, I'm busy with the final exam (๑ó﹏ò๑)
@Mustang51 My version doesn't have cannon (๑ó﹏ò๑). I'm afraid that my aircraft will disappear after the update
@Mustang51 I used a backward gun to simulate recoil, but I've changed the damage to zero. I don't know why this happens. It's a pity. Is it because of different versions? I didn't find the cause but I will try to solve it.
@IAmIronMan 好的:)