@AWESOMENESS360 I know right? In this case the cockpit must have been well away from the explosions, since explosives even touching the cockpit tends to kill a vessel regardless of health.
Further note: If you want better rudder control you can increase the (downward) length of the rudder and hull wings, then scale them down to fit. This should improve turning.
@Planedoggo22 It’s been said multiple times that it’s on all platforms, not only that but that SPVR doesn’t even have a builder, so you would need to build with the parts in the original anyway. Read comments before you ask questions.
What are the limits to the text this can receive I wonder though...as in can you add custom text downloaded like for Microsoft word or does it use a Preset? If the latter I hope you can find/have found a good array of military prints.
@w101tdi It uses an FT which is put in the inputcontroller of the Engine. Allow me to copy paste an explanation I made to someone else. It looks spaghetti but is relatively easy to work with once you know the basics.
Here is the FT Edensk developed so I can show what is to be adjusted
(SelectedWeapon="Gear1" ? clamp01(-pow(((7.7-GS)/12.7),2)+.4) : (SelectedWeapon="Gear2" ? clamp01(-pow(((16.75-GS)/19.5),2)+.2) : (SelectedWeapon="Gear3" ? clamp01(-pow(((27.55-GS)/27.55),2)+.15) : (SelectedWeapon="Gear4" ? clamp01(-pow(((41-GS)/36),2)+.1) : (SelectedWeapon="Gear5" ? clamp01(-pow(((56.5-GS)/46.5),2)+.06) : (SelectedWeapon="Reverse" ? clamp01(-pow(((7.7+GS)/12.7),2)+.95) * -1 : 0)))))) * Throttle
As can be seen the FT is split into values determined by each gear. Adjusting the numbers in each gear is done to change its effects. The numbers next to -pow (such as. 7.7-GS)/12.7) I've generally adjusted to determine the gear's maximum speed, while the number next to the + is used to adjust the acceleration. Note that these two can affect eachother so some precise adjustment and trial and error is generally needed, particularly if you're going for specific values in acceleration and max speed for each gear.
Generally, low gears have higher acceleration but lower top speed, high gears have vice versa. Progressing through the gears involves going from Low Top speed, high Acceleration gears to High Top Speed low Acceleration gears. The * -1 reverses the entire input for the Reverse gear thus allowing it to function as such.
For making adjustments I highly recommend copying the FT and putting it in a word doc. It'll make adjustments easier, allowing you to see the whole FT and copy-paste it into the engine's input.
@Sergio666 Much like the real system this actually uses a radial magazine of missiles located below deck. A series of rotators rotate the missiles in place while pistons hoist them into position. Each pair of missiles also appears to have their own rotators to move them with the traverse and pitch of the launcher.
This is just me peeking in it on my pad while I’m taking a break from building, so I might get a thing or two about the workings not quite right lol. Still, very impressive system!
Nice to see a build with ‘anime in the thumbnail’ that has some effort to connect it with the character. The bodywork is simple but relatively clean, and its appearance is elevated greatly by a nice color pallet alongside a nice set of clean decals.
The flight model is a fun OP model with acceleration that could be measured in G’s and smooth turning. The weapons are good OP fun, and I especially like the multiple colors of spray from the wing guns.
One thing that you really should do for future builds is get in the habit of building with parts that have 0 drag scale and calculateDrag=false. Drag calculation is a major source for lag in ships and other big builds. Removing it or having only the parts that truly need it have drag can make your builds drastically easier for you and for the people downloading them to run.
@EternalDarkness I was gonna try that on the next ship I do! Still probably will, though I might borrow this method with some credit if what I have in mind doesn't work as well (or is the same). Rafealmmm makes my previous soviet ship work look like crap, I need to step up! And probably build some highly detailed Yankee ships as well since they have the Soviet stuff covered.
Great stuff as always @Rafalemmm, I look forward to the next one!
@JuanAlt Not exactly that, more that if you remove the drag it reduces the amount of lag greatly. It also reduces the lag a large build might normally have. It might make a 1000 part build lag only as much as a 300-500 part build might or less.
Funny enough it probably would be more time consuming than difficult compared to this. Since I don't have to add as many slopes xD just one road section scaled to the proper length. This meanwhile has been quite tricky to make slopes that don’t make vehicles lose control. I got the basic loop done at least! @HadesHadestheWeeb
@Oniyonai Using VTOL nozzles and engines as aforementioned can also be used for underwater engines, in fact they're a recurring engine for use in ships. Another alternative is to raise the chordscale in prop engines, but this can make them ugly and stops working entirely at a certain depth.
@Oniyonai For forward propulsion this uses an engine consisting of rotators and wings, some rotators turning the wings while others adjust the wings’ pitch. This system works flawlessly underwater.
Up and down propulsion (what simulates ballast control) uses a set of VTOL nozzles with an engine that remains detached from the build and floating.
@Default4 Nope, I've completed the intended route's basic road (with some changes, but no less distance) and it's only 180. Some extra parts will come in to help work out kinks and add stuff such as side barriers, but I don't predict it'll be past 1-2000 parts.
@BurkeAircraft1 Indeed, I think this should be tested from an AI craft to see if it still gives you the warning when the AI craft fires it at you @ComradeJohann
@DanDaFreakinMan Just slow down and VTOL down till the bottom touches the ground. It's got no landing gear, but it self stabilizes decently well so as to not need it.
@WiiSmol Don't we all lol.
@AWESOMENESS360 I know right? In this case the cockpit must have been well away from the explosions, since explosives even touching the cockpit tends to kill a vessel regardless of health.
Further note: If you want better rudder control you can increase the (downward) length of the rudder and hull wings, then scale them down to fit. This should improve turning.
Reliable tracks that can take this thing up 30 degree slopes, nice.
This post is more politically provocative than MarisaKujo's Red Ship Of Nanhu. Pretty ship though.
@Planedoggo22 It’s been said multiple times that it’s on all platforms, not only that but that SPVR doesn’t even have a builder, so you would need to build with the parts in the original anyway. Read comments before you ask questions.
@Planedoggo22 Read the other comments
What are the limits to the text this can receive I wonder though...as in can you add custom text downloaded like for Microsoft word or does it use a Preset? If the latter I hope you can find/have found a good array of military prints.
You guys build a VR version, make gauges, make cuttable fuselages, and after all that you have time for THIS!?
Wait for the update, it'll make this easier.
@w101tdi It uses an FT which is put in the inputcontroller of the Engine. Allow me to copy paste an explanation I made to someone else. It looks spaghetti but is relatively easy to work with once you know the basics.
Here is the FT Edensk developed so I can show what is to be adjusted
(SelectedWeapon="Gear1" ? clamp01(-pow(((7.7-GS)/12.7),2)+.4) : (SelectedWeapon="Gear2" ? clamp01(-pow(((16.75-GS)/19.5),2)+.2) : (SelectedWeapon="Gear3" ? clamp01(-pow(((27.55-GS)/27.55),2)+.15) : (SelectedWeapon="Gear4" ? clamp01(-pow(((41-GS)/36),2)+.1) : (SelectedWeapon="Gear5" ? clamp01(-pow(((56.5-GS)/46.5),2)+.06) : (SelectedWeapon="Reverse" ? clamp01(-pow(((7.7+GS)/12.7),2)+.95) * -1 : 0)))))) * Throttle
As can be seen the FT is split into values determined by each gear. Adjusting the numbers in each gear is done to change its effects. The numbers next to -pow (such as. 7.7-GS)/12.7) I've generally adjusted to determine the gear's maximum speed, while the number next to the + is used to adjust the acceleration. Note that these two can affect eachother so some precise adjustment and trial and error is generally needed, particularly if you're going for specific values in acceleration and max speed for each gear.
Generally, low gears have higher acceleration but lower top speed, high gears have vice versa. Progressing through the gears involves going from Low Top speed, high Acceleration gears to High Top Speed low Acceleration gears. The * -1 reverses the entire input for the Reverse gear thus allowing it to function as such.
For making adjustments I highly recommend copying the FT and putting it in a word doc. It'll make adjustments easier, allowing you to see the whole FT and copy-paste it into the engine's input.
@w101tdi I wish you luck with it, I'm always happy to see peeps customize these things!
@DDVC Sweet! I think it’d be worth it to take it that extra step.
@Sergio666 Much like the real system this actually uses a radial magazine of missiles located below deck. A series of rotators rotate the missiles in place while pistons hoist them into position. Each pair of missiles also appears to have their own rotators to move them with the traverse and pitch of the launcher.
This is just me peeking in it on my pad while I’m taking a break from building, so I might get a thing or two about the workings not quite right lol. Still, very impressive system!
Someone had to take advantage of the fact cannon shells are physics object sooner or later.
@DanDaFreakinMan That's all I need to know to know I did the performance pretty well then, nice!
Nice to see a build with ‘anime in the thumbnail’ that has some effort to connect it with the character. The bodywork is simple but relatively clean, and its appearance is elevated greatly by a nice color pallet alongside a nice set of clean decals.
The flight model is a fun OP model with acceleration that could be measured in G’s and smooth turning. The weapons are good OP fun, and I especially like the multiple colors of spray from the wing guns.
@Rafalemmm Oooooh, subassemblies, I see.
One thing that you really should do for future builds is get in the habit of building with parts that have 0 drag scale and calculateDrag=false. Drag calculation is a major source for lag in ships and other big builds. Removing it or having only the parts that truly need it have drag can make your builds drastically easier for you and for the people downloading them to run.
@EternalDarkness I was gonna try that on the next ship I do! Still probably will, though I might borrow this method with some credit if what I have in mind doesn't work as well (or is the same). Rafealmmm makes my previous soviet ship work look like crap, I need to step up! And probably build some highly detailed Yankee ships as well since they have the Soviet stuff covered.
Great stuff as always @Rafalemmm, I look forward to the next one!
@Jrqwio READ the actual post here.
@Dathcha Build
@VolcanicAsh Worry not friend, it has zeeeeero ;) I've built big things before so I've long known the merits of removing drag.
@JuanAlt Not exactly that, more that if you remove the drag it reduces the amount of lag greatly. It also reduces the lag a large build might normally have. It might make a 1000 part build lag only as much as a 300-500 part build might or less.
@JeskoGoesVROOM This’ll have no drag and use as few parts as possible. So it might handle it well enough
You can go to overload and under the inputcontroller you can set the min from -1 to something lower like -.5 or -.25 to lower engine power in reverse.
Funny enough it probably would be more time consuming than difficult compared to this. Since I don't have to add as many slopes xD just one road section scaled to the proper length. This meanwhile has been quite tricky to make slopes that don’t make vehicles lose control. I got the basic loop done at least! @HadesHadestheWeeb
@AWESOMENESS360 Glad I’m not alone in thinking that, still miss them and their builds.
@KnightOfRen Well it’s Simpleplanes so it’s possible to tweak this thing’s suspension to be more drift worthy.
@Oniyonai Using VTOL nozzles and engines as aforementioned can also be used for underwater engines, in fact they're a recurring engine for use in ships. Another alternative is to raise the chordscale in prop engines, but this can make them ugly and stops working entirely at a certain depth.
@Oniyonai For forward propulsion this uses an engine consisting of rotators and wings, some rotators turning the wings while others adjust the wings’ pitch. This system works flawlessly underwater.
Up and down propulsion (what simulates ballast control) uses a set of VTOL nozzles with an engine that remains detached from the build and floating.
@Default4 Part efficiency, and lots of use of the 'Scale' function in overload :)
@Default4 Nope, I've completed the intended route's basic road (with some changes, but no less distance) and it's only 180. Some extra parts will come in to help work out kinks and add stuff such as side barriers, but I don't predict it'll be past 1-2000 parts.
@BurkeAircraft1 Indeed, I think this should be tested from an AI craft to see if it still gives you the warning when the AI craft fires it at you @ComradeJohann
Now that is a very neat trick! Could be useful in a lot of ways if looked into.
@Formula350 That’s neat to learn, nice!
Better watch your heck-ing language there boy!
@AWESOMENESS360 A 3 year old build, and visually it holds up remarkably!
@Biro Do you know how to use gyros period?
They did, but funny enough it still has their name in the link
@DanDaFreakinMan Just slow down and VTOL down till the bottom touches the ground. It's got no landing gear, but it self stabilizes decently well so as to not need it.
@Biro Perhaps a gyro could help with that. That and a higher buoyancy on the floats.
All Tags were Requested
The first few screenshots make it look like a slick low part build, then the back opens lol. Still looks slick though.
@WiniMii Only one part has drag so it shouldn't cause any issues. It's part count on completion also isn't expected to exceed 500.