Why don't u put this in the game would be really nice also can u make this game run well on very old devices like the iPad mini 1 make it great again like all those hours I used to have @AndrewGarrison
@REW if u need me to tweak me just contact me and I will try to change whatever the problem is also this is only v.1 of this planning to add more detail in the future
I tried putting gear on This it looks crap also for this to not keep wanting to be pushed downwards that was the biggest engine I could put but I do want to put a more powerful engine@Dzeta8
Looks good the back of the aircraft front needs to be redone @costr
Why don't u put this in the game would be really nice also can u make this game run well on very old devices like the iPad mini 1 make it great again like all those hours I used to have @AndrewGarrison
Rembers pepsi advertisment
+1Navy blue @indobastian
How do u start a tournament
A lot better ps give it a better paint job @indobastian
It's ends tomorrow on 12th @ds2001s @hellcatz @RailfanEthan @hopotumon
Lol @RailfanEthan
You are winning @indobastian
Very nice @hopotumon
That's what everyone said hey do u play bf4 on Xbox one @A3
No problems hey do u have bf4 on Xbox one@QingyuZhou
Tips on how to get more than 10 up votes on a plane@FiguredFC
Australia for life @SpiritusRaptor
I hate u @FiguredFC
There beautiful just make the wings look more realistic@QingyuZhou
777-300ER I KNOW IT
Lol @AviownCorp
Hahaha last year @AviownCorp
Yeah sure@kingofsteam
Planes that various airliners use put the proper colour scheme on them@QingyuZhou
I'm the guy who lives in the capital of odisha I was theflyingauzzie @AviownCorp
@REW if u need me to tweak me just contact me and I will try to change whatever the problem is also this is only v.1 of this planning to add more detail in the future
I've got a competition going on if u would like to be in it
@Boganx @A3 @SpritiusRaptor
I'm Australian too see this I explode
He long time no see my Indian buddy@AviownCorp
My pc died@ChaMikey
How do u use gravatar they make it very complex@ChaMikey
Yeah I have all the bf109s in warthunder my love also how to I change my user picture@ChaMikey
Dlc @PlanesAndThings2
Tha.ta the picture they use for dcs spitfire doctor isn't it @PlanesAndThings2
Mi24 is a helicopter @kingofsteam
Lol what's your favourite plane mine is the p80@ChaMikey
Yo know it @RailfanEthan
Warthunder player?
Singaporean bus just make the blue orange p.s. I'm Australian @Erdem
Looks more like a Avro Vulcan
I tried putting gear on This it looks crap also for this to not keep wanting to be pushed downwards that was the biggest engine I could put but I do want to put a more powerful engine@Dzeta8
I'm on an iPad and I cannot xml mod@Aspire
I need help in design etc@Dzeta8
I KNoW@Dzeta8