@hypnotoad @ahappyape Well, first off, Hypno, congrats ON 16.5. sECOND OFF, FULL THROTTLE IS USEFUL FOR CLIMBING LARGE... curse you caps lock... hills. Finale, this is only a V1.
@hypnotoad U on any other sites that have a private chat or something. I need ideas and normally reaching silver can attract attention so I need ideas for a special that I can't talk about in public if you have any.
@hypnotoad Back. lon friggin' day. took a boat to an ilsand, said boat got damaged coming to pick me and the other passenges up, had to wait for a whale watcher and uh... first world problems...
@ahappyape @hypnotoad Coming back to this... You guys are right, it is not a true toad. It doesn't break the game when it hits water.
@ahappyape Its making it bigger thats killing me!!
@ahappyape v3 might not be ut for a while
@Eric314 thanks!
@ahappyape bigger,bigger,bigger i see.
@ahappyape done
@ahappyape Making v2 now.
@hypnotoad bluescreen
@hypnotoad Stop spitting these out! I can only Water Test so much.
@hypnotoad @ahappyape Well, first off, Hypno, congrats ON 16.5. sECOND OFF, FULL THROTTLE IS USEFUL FOR CLIMBING LARGE... curse you caps lock... hills. Finale, this is only a V1.
@hypnotoad Thanks. Do have the Kamcord under my account I use for water testing, but can't get the link on phone.
Not gone write much because hypno wrote you two walls
@hypnotoad Should recommend that.
@hypnotoad And 16.0k. Can I automate a congrats message whenever u level up?
@hypnotoad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillotine
@hypnotoad A guillotine is a contraption that decapitates someone. Add it to your Theasurus with differties
@hypnotoad The wings aren't guillotining
didn't glitch out as much. got two blue screens and some fluent dives.
@hypnotoad I'll send it in a hangouts. BTW got over-ears today.
@hypnotoad Yeah. the reason why will cause me to use a lot of obsenities so I can not say it here.
@hypnotoad No luck.
@hypnotoad u need to go to hangouts
@hypnotoad So thats it?
@hypnotoad the email adress directs to Bob jones XD
@hypnotoad Can u use a type chat? don't have a webcam/mic.
@hypnotoad use the hypno one. going now
@hypnotoad Google hangouts. never heard of it, but I have a G+ I can use. gimme a sec. Whats your username?
@hypnotoad U on any other sites that have a private chat or something. I need ideas and normally reaching silver can attract attention so I need ideas for a special that I can't talk about in public if you have any.
@hypnotoad cant get the glider out today, so on to a special.
@hypnotoad Don't even think the tag is mine; so used to the reg. brown.
@hypnotoad 1,000? Jesus. Thanks a lot. Now I have to rush out a special too, so sarcastic thanks for that ;)
@hypnotoad Slow the hell down. my notifications.
@hypnotoad I have gliders, but they need FA starts.
@hypnotoad None of my modifications have worked. I'm gonna specially design one for this.
@hypnotoad "plane" I'm gonna attempt a glider with an engine that detaches for glider mode. another old idea revisited.
@hypnotoad my idea?
@hypnotoad No luck on you plane. Just had an idea for one of mine tho.
@hypnotoad George's Island, the Civil War fort out in the Boston Harbor.
@hypnotoad We were on the damaged one for like, 5 seconds, ans then they said get off and threw us on a whale watcher.
@hypnotoad Back. lon friggin' day. took a boat to an ilsand, said boat got damaged coming to pick me and the other passenges up, had to wait for a whale watcher and uh... first world problems...
Might have to see u later so I have a com and phone @hypnotoad
Well I can't hack an iPhone to mod, but I can try something. @hypnotoad
@hypnotoad 15.5k. Congrats.
@hypnotoad XD. I say you, anyone else who wants to help, and i shout do a colab and make one of your planes not break the game.
@hypnotoad Same old glitch out. Set some records! at 2147483 mph, at 214748364 feet.
@hypnotoad Stop spitting these things out. Jesus. Can't water test all of these. Here we go!
@hypnotoad 15.1 Congrats!
@ahappyape thanks! the colors were slightly changed so it didn't appear to have puerlescent.
@hypnotoad legitimatlly https://www.kamcord.com/v/xha2vDrkiT1
@hypnotoad my simpleplanes just bluescreened.