@Jtsimon Your comment has been removed. Please try to refrain from being rude to others in the future. I suggest you check out the Rules section of the website.
You know that one button you never use in the menu where you build from? That button that says 3D Print / Export? Click it, save the file, and then open said file in unity, or blender, or whatever program you have that supports OBJ files.
@tsampoy I saw that BogdanX disagreed with the ratings, I had a go-go myself. First issue is that the rover looks like a hotdog on wheels, it's way too long and skinny. Second issue is that it rolled over.. less than 30mph.. another issue is that really, it's not near as fun as the Truck. Truck has wobbly (horizontal wobble) suspension, but it works great, and looks great. The truck itself is very well balanced in terms of width, height and all that good stuff. I also disagree with your rating.
The name of the game doesn't determine how the game is played. Minecraft for example.. online is mostly PVP and Minigames, not mining, or crafting. @CRJ900Pilot
The creation has been reported, removed, and manually approved by a mod after removal. Players do have a say so, many things get removed by players, but the mod has the final say so, and said mod approved the creation.
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer See crazy’s pinned comment if you haven’t already. They aren’t strictly against the rules unless used for malicious purposes, and any strikes or bans will follow you between accounts.
@AgentofFortune Hmm? I don't think I was nor was I wanting to be popular because of it. Just wanted to help out. Speaking of, I am still a mod, just not here. SR2 website.
@Jtsimon Your comment has been removed. Please try to refrain from being rude to others in the future. I suggest you check out the Rules section of the website.
+3You know that one button you never use in the menu where you build from? That button that says 3D Print / Export? Click it, save the file, and then open said file in unity, or blender, or whatever program you have that supports OBJ files.
+3Dont be sad. Be Glad™
+3@AndrewGarrison I'm just glad I get to keep it.. for now.
+3If you don't like something someone said, report it if it breaks the rules. If not, just move on. Maybe even block said person.
+3Just like with everyone else, if you can't say something nice just don't say it. Didn't ya mom a ever teach you that? @Blue0Bull
+3@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 Thanks. 80 is kinda wild tbh, it's just a remaster!
+2@AbbasIbnFirnas 2nd publicly accessible build*
+2@LunarEclipseSP No thoughts, just Mod.
+2Personally, Ticks that are Poly is a weird concept, but you do you.
+2@Sheffie Just joined to confirm what you said. Can confirm.
+2twitch bad discord good
+2@tylerdeveneuxmusic Hmmm, you can have as many Porsche 911s as you want! There are quite a few to choose from here on the site. :)
+2Moderators, Dev Team, BogdanX, and Dllama4 have all had influences on me. So those are my choices for most influential people on the site.
+2@BuiltBionixInd10 Your comment has been removed for breaking website rules
@SuperSabre1945 Your comment has been removed. Please check out the rules.
Please only post a forum once. Thank you.
+2@vcharng I've got a time machine, don't worry.
+2@RailfanEthan SR2 > SP
+2@Natedog120705 It was too far off topic.
+2@HarryBen47 I've just updated it with a download link. If you can, I'd appreciate you testing it out and providing some much needed feedback! :)
+2@AWESOMENESS360 Your comment has been removed because it breaks website rules
@CruzerBlade Maybe not in a long time, but I have made at least 8 map mods and three background mods. At the very least
+2@tylerdeveneuxmusic @JohnnyBoythePilot Thank you <3
+2@Kimcotupan15 Thank you, I really couldn't have made it so amazing without @BogdanX and his amazing building techniques.
+2All of theses memes offend me.
+2@DuckMintnewprofile Well, yeah. Not trying to be sneaky?
+2@tsampoy I saw that BogdanX disagreed with the ratings, I had a go-go myself. First issue is that the rover looks like a hotdog on wheels, it's way too long and skinny. Second issue is that it rolled over.. less than 30mph.. another issue is that really, it's not near as fun as the Truck. Truck has wobbly (horizontal wobble) suspension, but it works great, and looks great. The truck itself is very well balanced in terms of width, height and all that good stuff. I also disagree with your rating.
+2Maybe a forum post instead of a plane post for a forum type of question.
+2Once summer hits, as per usual, the planes will start flowin' like syrup on a pancake.
+2@sexylips35 Its a MOD
+2Man, I wish I had a mobile phone to test this out! :(
+2Cough abrams next cough please cough
+2The name of the game doesn't determine how the game is played. Minecraft for example.. online is mostly PVP and Minigames, not mining, or crafting. @CRJ900Pilot
+2The creation has been reported, removed, and manually approved by a mod after removal. Players do have a say so, many things get removed by players, but the mod has the final say so, and said mod approved the creation.
+2@Legendary888 It's biplane.
+1@blt who
+1@PrussianAirlines Thanks. I love my two-door Camry.
@KPLBall Around 16k. What other polish aircraft should I make? I was thinking about the M-18 Dromader.
+1Check the pinned forum post for servers, or click HERE. Posting links to servers on the website is against the rules. (Unfortunately)
+1Please re-upload with a thumbnail that is not more than 60% covered by the real aircraft itself as this can be seen as misleading. Thank you!
+1@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer See crazy’s pinned comment if you haven’t already. They aren’t strictly against the rules unless used for malicious purposes, and any strikes or bans will follow you between accounts.
+1@Johnnyynf Might be another 6 for the next one :thonk:
+1@GiuliMBorgesYT Nyoom
+1@CatdogAerospace Plenty active on SR2/JNO, so I haven't technically been inactive in 6 years, I've just been lurking.
+1@TheMouse @though Apparently, he dares.
+1Great mod, very useful.
+1@SodiumChloride the good one, CST
+1@BoganBoganTheWoman the lies of the masses
How dare you! D:
+1@AgentofFortune Hmm? I don't think I was nor was I wanting to be popular because of it. Just wanted to help out. Speaking of, I am still a mod, just not here. SR2 website.