@C47skytrain oh whoop, apologies lmfao, that being said too, I've figured the accuracy bug awhile ago, specifically for the [S-18] schnellboot I've made for BMilan, it's leading too much, that's why the accuracy is whack, which is fixed on the S-18
alright melonsunder, here's what I know on how to make ships! (contains something that is helpful, if not, atleast interesting in it's used case)
|[ How to : Beginner Ship ]|
make hull with fuselage, give buoyancy.
use gyroscope, XML if ship tips over(alternatively, add gyro)
use a VTOL engine(and it's nozzle) to propel and turn
|[ How to : Intermediate Ship ]|
Hull from fuselage as usual, but do not give buoyancy;
instead, have several xml-resized buoyant fuselage blocks(if not float add mass or buoyancy via overload) placed on the waterline(go wiki it if no know) on four points of the ship like how the legs are on a table
have a VTOL engine and nozzle; disable the input on the Nozzle
use wings for optimum realistik;
first, set up a LOOONG AND TAAAALL ass wing on the middle of the hull, resize it small, this will act as a "straightener" after you turn(so you don't drift as you would on the beginner ship)
use another same resized wing on the rearmost part of the ship to act as a rudder(like on a plane), this will allow you to turn.
use xml'd airbrakes with input "1" and max "50" to cap the ship's speed
yay, ship.
|[ how to : ADVANCED SHIP ]|
intermediate ship, but give it fuxkton of details and stuff and properly sized or super historically accurate as fuuuuuuxk
OR other style of shipbuilding, specific to each person(like me, who while uses fuselage for hull, uses them in a manner that is different from usual)
|[ Troubleshooting ]|
Q : my ship doesn't turn well?
A : make rudder bigger
Q : my ship keeps drifting..
A : bigger central wing.
Q : my ship turns rather slow?
A : bigger rudder OR move the central wing closer to the rear
Q : my ship bounces on water
A : move forward first, then complain; or maybe reduce buoyancy a bit cause it sometimes does that(rarely, though.)
Q : my ship's hull is ugly
A : why is it ugly? what part is ugly? FIX IT, no fate cannot be unchanged if you try.
Q : wheep, I'm done!
A : check your draft(the red bottom part of ship), is it too shallow/short? check your beam(the width of ship), is it too slim? if sure, congratulations!
@C47skytrain the trawler will soon materialize, well, hopefully, since I'm getting back to building ships, working on a Type T-14, should be up later probably
nearsighted, about minus 6 with 2 cylinder or smfn, anyway, someone that I can't be certain of and holding a hammer and sickle and is definitely a communist is what I see, давай!
my piece? just enjoy it for what it is, what we see is not the political, the person, or the ideology, it's the thing itself, the aircraft or whatever it is.
do I dislike the WW2 Japan? very much so! (my pass? I'm Indonesian.), but their weapons and technology? well, I vibe with them more than I vibe with other nations.
anyway, just chill, it's a plane someone made for fun, but then again, wars suck.
@YarisSedan from a good schoolfriend of mine while back, lost contact though; it was also on the era where mods were still supported on mobile lmfao, I rember roughly that he was showing off a 3D thrust engine mod, launching from USS Beast and all, quite.. long back that one hah.
@TTL story shortened, I like ships, I make shit ships, I learn make better ships, then shit planes, then to airships, occasionally get back to ships, learned to make better planes, make target ships and airships, learn to do the cockpit shittilillie, lazy burnout, back lazy, small hiatus, then weekly-ish kinda detailed planes with interior, then erased my account out of burnout-hate-depressedwhatamidoingwithmyworldsruff, and now, here we are i guess.
of course, being the broke supportive whims I am, I grabbed the discount SP immediately at all cost lmao, morally right too since I am previously not signed on SP.com, then started the history of NavalBlaze.. oh my old ass name lmfao, and the history of that.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 oh, don't we all? pirating is like, kinda a rite of online maturity in a way, regardless of age. and with how the world is, and especially the current gaming scene(though I am specifically speaking for mobile as I have not much experience on PC or Console), pirating is basically the only option, I honestly side with "pirate it anyway, but support us if you like", kinda like jundroo who did that, cause like, how else would you get free advertisement and loyal customer base if not pirating? y'arr!
anyway, I don't think you can do damage-based detaching, you can however, do a part-based detaching by using some weapons with a specific name, though that raises the problems of jumbling up the weapon tab..
@C47skytrain oh whoop, apologies lmfao, that being said too, I've figured the accuracy bug awhile ago, specifically for the [S-18] schnellboot I've made for BMilan, it's leading too much, that's why the accuracy is whack, which is fixed on the S-18
+1@KPLBall may I suggest my beloved Yukikaze :3
+1also, forgot to tag you @C47skytrain, now to rummage the bottom of the pile that is my Pinterest blueprint collection for a trawler...
+1@Lemonsharkii FUXK YEA, LEMONNNNNN
+1@Lemonsharkii anyway is it lemon-themed cake or- >:3
+1this a vibe that I like, and happy birthday, chii-ers!! :3 🎂 🎊🎉🎊
+1|[ Chii's Typical Tricks ]|
anyway, any questions?
+1alright melonsunder, here's what I know on how to make ships!
(contains something that is helpful, if not, atleast interesting in it's used case)
|[ How to : Beginner Ship ]|
|[ How to : Intermediate Ship ]|
|[ how to : ADVANCED SHIP ]|
|[ Troubleshooting ]|
Q : my ship bounces on water
A : move forward first, then complain; or maybe reduce buoyancy a bit cause it sometimes does that(rarely, though.)
Q : my ship's hull is ugly
A : why is it ugly? what part is ugly? FIX IT, no fate cannot be unchanged if you try.
Q : wheep, I'm done!
A : check your draft(the red bottom part of ship), is it too shallow/short? check your beam(the width of ship), is it too slim? if sure, congratulations!
@C47skytrain the trawler will soon materialize, well, hopefully, since I'm getting back to building ships, working on a Type T-14, should be up later probably
+1@TheMouse there, 50/5 stars, idk how it works
+1@Eagleman101SP n o o o
+1nearsighted, about minus 6 with 2 cylinder or smfn, anyway, someone that I can't be certain of and holding a hammer and sickle and is definitely a communist is what I see, давай!
+1@Eagleman101SP idk, does dumpster LSD works?
+1@TheMouse most helpful tip, 10/10 would mouse again
+1my piece? just enjoy it for what it is, what we see is not the political, the person, or the ideology, it's the thing itself, the aircraft or whatever it is.
+1do I dislike the WW2 Japan? very much so! (my pass? I'm Indonesian.), but their weapons and technology? well, I vibe with them more than I vibe with other nations.
anyway, just chill, it's a plane someone made for fun, but then again, wars suck.
@Graingy w a uw
+1@overlord5453 yeah, me too, can't wait till I can sneakily be mobile friendly or somfn lmao
+1@Graingy thanks, appreciated
+1@Axartar that doc's a vibe, hoh
+1now to sacrifice the turks
+1@overlord5453 indeed, and maybe a buddy system of sorts so you can have a flight or a 2v2 or more scenario, not an all-out deathmatch kek
+1oh damn, this fuxks, wauw
+1@MonsNotTheMonster thank you
+1hm, this such a vibe, and hey, my old name's here lmfao
+1@KSB24 I usually use shizuku and zarchiver for it lmao, at least when I got a good phone back then
+1@TheMouse *pzzt-* point the infrakneetagging device to desired kneecaps for optimum usage, thank you for usi- *kzZZRT-*
+1@TTL :3
+1@TTL pamdffog
+1@Talon7192 np, oh and, bleach overwrites and erases any traces of DNA, just make sure to also wash off the bleach, maybe spray some fresheners :3
+1@YarisSedan from a good schoolfriend of mine while back, lost contact though; it was also on the era where mods were still supported on mobile lmfao, I rember roughly that he was showing off a 3D thrust engine mod, launching from USS Beast and all, quite.. long back that one hah.
+1@TTL story shortened, I like ships, I make shit ships, I learn make better ships, then shit planes, then to airships, occasionally get back to ships, learned to make better planes, make target ships and airships, learn to do the cockpit shittilillie, lazy burnout, back lazy, small hiatus, then weekly-ish kinda detailed planes with interior, then erased my account out of burnout-hate-depressedwhatamidoingwithmyworldsruff, and now, here we are i guess.
Webarchive if you're interested
+1@Talon7192 huh, no idea then..
airshot between the toes can make someone seem like they died of heart attack :3
+1@L1nus don't worry, neither do I, just roll with the cage
+1what mod specifically? Mobile/PC?
+1good for standing up against a chronic something, kudos al glory of the whimsy kind to you :3
+1oh hey, neatou
+1@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 anyway, potato
+1of course, being the broke supportive whims I am, I grabbed the discount SP immediately at all cost lmao, morally right too since I am previously not signed on SP.com, then started the history of NavalBlaze.. oh my old ass name lmfao, and the history of that.
+1@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 oh, don't we all? pirating is like, kinda a rite of online maturity in a way, regardless of age. and with how the world is, and especially the current gaming scene(though I am specifically speaking for mobile as I have not much experience on PC or Console), pirating is basically the only option, I honestly side with "pirate it anyway, but support us if you like", kinda like jundroo who did that, cause like, how else would you get free advertisement and loyal customer base if not pirating? y'arr!
+1@crazyplaness poggers :3
+1@crazyplaness sure is no cap, old man, poggers amiright?
+1@TTL I hear and I see, Audio. Video.
+1@TTL I hold the power! but I'm lazy so, someone shoot @TTL please
+1@TTL oh sure, tickus tickus lickus
+1@TTL am the biggest dum, whimsy like a wind fleeting aboot
+1I got SP like, on an extreme discount, got it for like 18.000 rupiah which is like.. 1 dollar and a little bit more?
+1@Eagleman101SP fair, same lmao
+1didn't someone calculated how much users there are
+1anyway, I don't think you can do damage-based detaching, you can however, do a part-based detaching by using some weapons with a specific name, though that raises the problems of jumbling up the weapon tab..
+1feed the feet 🦶