who ever wrote that has
1. no tastes for aircraft
2. no knowledge on planes what so freaking ever (he talks about the improvements to the DC-10 but not the improvements made to the comet wtf dude )
3. and should never talk about planes again
I have yet to see an actual fight here there is the occasional debate but thats about the worst I've seen
people to know SpiritusRaptor is one to know he makes some of the best builds in my opinion
not to brag but me for my expertise in heli parts and getting helis to work
awsomur he host the best news feed in the world the SP weekly
belugasub verry nice person and the person who started the ducc meme that you may see browsing the site and that i have yet to fix my profile pic from
I may add more when I think of them
that is disappointing the red arrows are amazing though
th CV-22 is fairly roomy in the back I've also gotten in the cocpit of an ah-1 @thefalkenreich
I am neutral on sr2 as I have yet to play it i will only decide once I play it weather or not I like it
I live in the us so I didn't have that issue @Mmdben
I normally check newest first but this caught my eye fast
+3he was a great you tuber and was always happy in videos @DPSAircraftManufacturer
+1I've sat in the cocpit of a t-38 and gone inside a CV-22 to name a few of my experiences @thefalkenreich
I play the great score there will be no encore
yes @ACEPILOT109
yes I got to go inside one@ACEPILOT109
k thx @CoolPeach
granted when I spawned in a plane there was a little lag but just the crane no lag in the level @Minecraftpoweer
what do you mean it isnt mobile friendly I ran it on my phone @Minecraftpoweer
dont over tag people if you do it twice it can be understood as an accident but 5 time is no accident and is unneeded @0n33
any idea on when it will come out@CoolPeach
an otg adapter should work for connecting it @Mobius1Cyka
I may have seen this one I cant remember I know I've seen some of the older af1's
this will also be my first build with a custom airbrake so the airbrake will look like trash @randomusername
I have a 6s+ @gangster
I have a powerful phone @gangster
ask @wnp78 to make it and he might be able to add it @Zoomzoom999
im working on adding mk82 snakeeyes on it @mikoyanster
+1oof i tagged him twice on the same comment @Sm10684
but neither look good in my eyes @PositivePlanes @PositivePlanes
ik @PositivePlanes
runs well on my phone on normal settings with just a bit of lag
Why no ejection seat? @BoganBoganTheMan
we hope you enjoy your stay here on SP.com how would you rate your experience so far out of five stars @noteleapord
I like the Hudson hornet better
who ever wrote that has
+21. no tastes for aircraft
2. no knowledge on planes what so freaking ever (he talks about the improvements to the DC-10 but not the improvements made to the comet wtf dude )
3. and should never talk about planes again
all I did was increase the force on the detacher @shipster
@shipster this is the fixed version it was too easy to fix
deleting this and reposting the fixed version @shipster
I think I know the solution
you could also use it as an at bomb @shipster
what did you test it on @shipster
strange thats what I have mine set to @shipster
for me it works fine what physics setting are you on @shipster
anything they can destroy
+1especially as it was built on windows it might have been able to have been forgiven if it was on ios but never on windows @temporaryaccount
ik thats what I was wanting @shipster
no I usually leave it alone @Viper3000ad
oh and these can get quite heated to the point it is kind of funny to watch @Notaleopard
rocket pod no flare yes I dont do XML though
+1ok @shipster
my phone can run more parts with less lag than my computer
+1I have yet to see an actual fight here there is the occasional debate but thats about the worst I've seen
people to know SpiritusRaptor is one to know he makes some of the best builds in my opinion
not to brag but me for my expertise in heli parts and getting helis to work
awsomur he host the best news feed in the world the SP weekly
belugasub verry nice person and the person who started the ducc meme that you may see browsing the site and that i have yet to fix my profile pic from
I may add more when I think of them
for 2 yes