660 MoopSealix Comments

  • Simpleplanes World Map 7.4 years ago

    @BeryllCorp I'm not so mad about it now simple planes already takes 4 gigabytes of space on my tablet I don't wanna know what will happen if they add the desert island to the mobile version lol.

  • My hotrod taildragger 6.8 years ago

    Nice car so satisfying to look at.

  • L3DT Island 6.8 years ago

    Wow awesome map great for vehicles too love it!

  • Winter 7.4 years ago

    It's very agile you should of made it a firefighter.

  • Bumblebee 7.4 years ago

    @TannerSR Thank you ill try my best.

  • Simpleplanes World Map 7.5 years ago

    What is this desert island I followed the directions to the degree it just doesn't exist.

  • CSS Virginia 8.6 years ago

    I also forgot to say that this design is a little rushed I was to impatient to add more detail I'm also sorry about that.

  • USS Constitution 8.6 years ago

    The USS Constitution mobile edition is out now.

  • USS Constitution (mobile edition) 8.6 years ago

    @Orangeillini88 It ok.

  • Xebec 8.6 years ago

    @WahrscheinlichIch I just found it on YouTube.

  • Xebec 8.6 years ago

    @WahrscheinlichIch Right now I'm working on the CSS Virginia.

  • Xebec 8.6 years ago

    Wow if only I knew about all these boats I love building boats but I don't know of any boats to build.

  • New projects 8.6 years ago

    @WahrscheinlichIch thanks for the info I'm loving my new profile picture :)

  • USS Constitution (mobile edition) 8.6 years ago

    @Orangeillini88 if you have a pc then you could download my original post.

  • My plans for tomorrow 8.6 years ago

    What does the USS Constitution from fallout 4 look like the only USS Constitution I know of is the real one also known as old iron sides.

  • New projects 8.6 years ago

    @WahrscheinlichIch do you know how to get custom profile pictures so far no one has answered my question on that. Oh and about the ships I think you could do some good ships from ww2.

  • New projects 8.6 years ago

    Make the black pearl and USS Nashville.

  • Flying Dutchman 8.6 years ago

    I have a ship with way more parts than this on my Android yet it won't let me download it simple planes says it's to big for my device. Well simple planes here's my message to you why are you blatantly lying in front of my face >:(

  • Sikorsky S-76B "Sik'em" (COLLAB WITH @ inspectregaben) 8.6 years ago

    @FrankieB i know all my helicopters cant go forward the just spin in circles even when the vtol thrusters are perfectly placed

  • DH Corp "Bezza" 8.6 years ago

    Wow you paid good attention to detail nice work :)

  • USS Constitution 8.6 years ago

    @FrankieB yeah that really stinks because it's always the big creations that look awesome. Small one are good but big ones are better but simple planes is being dirty and won't let us mobile people download the big stuff. :(

  • Sikorsky S-76B "Sik'em" (COLLAB WITH @ inspectregaben) 8.6 years ago

    Hard to control but super fun to drive ;)

  • USS Constitution 8.6 years ago

    @FrankieB Lots of patience and dealing with mass loads of lag.

  • Sky Cup Tournament Guide 8.6 years ago

    @icouldntthinkofaname oh ok I think I'm getting it please don't get mad at me I'm not very familiar with the game.

  • Sky Cup Tournament Guide 8.6 years ago

    @icouldntthinkofaname couldn't find them on my game :(

  • Sky Cup Tournament Guide 8.6 years ago

    Wtf is with these strict rules it's just a game like not being able to do future tournaments just because you cheat on the first one just not give them the reward for that tournament video games really shouldn't be that strict.

  • Sky Cup Tournament Guide 8.6 years ago

    @icouldntthinkofaname could you tell me what they mean by now old style prop engines

  • B-17 The Flying fortress 8.6 years ago

    @Michaelsalinas02 it's not short and stubby like the last one and it actually was easier to make now that I know how to use the fuselage editor.

  • B-17 Wing for @MoopSealix 8.6 years ago

    @Michaelsalinas02 New b-17 model is out just tap on my profile name and search for the B-17 the flying fortress.

  • B-17 Wing for @MoopSealix 8.6 years ago

    @Michaelsalinas02 I did some more changes to your b-17 wing I changed the blocks to structural wings and I made it longer and slimmer and less blocky.

  • B-17 Wing for @MoopSealix 8.6 years ago

    @Michaelsalinas02 oh crud Simple planes won't let you download it on mobile device they say it's "enormous and won't run on a mobile device" but I built it on my kindle fire which is a mobile device so they're rotten liars. Sorry about that. The only down side to the ship is that it lags a lot but other than that I enjoy playing with it and it runs fine and the lag doesn't really freeze the screen it just makes the movement choppy.

  • Top Gear Reliant Robin space shuttle 8.6 years ago

    @baallzebub never seen that episode and I love top gear .could you tell me the name of it.

  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier 8.6 years ago

    Simple planes you liar I tried to download this and it said I couldn't because it's too big for a mobile device but it was created on ios which is a mobile device so it can work on a mobile device >:(

  • ZUIKAKU 8.6 years ago

    Wow cool boat you should try to modify it to look just like the USS tiny. That would be cool.

  • B-17 Wing for @MoopSealix 8.6 years ago

    @Michaelsalinas02 oh just saying it will get done a little faster now that I've got some of my smaller and bigger building projects out of the way also would you like to check out my new model of the USS Constitution warning it lags a bit.

  • C-6thundercat scott class 8.6 years ago

    Hard to control slips and slides a lot and it moves even when I'm on flat ground with the engine off.

  • Simpleplanes World Map 8.6 years ago

    @BeryllCorp ok . If you find the creator could you give me notice. Thanks for the info

  • B-17 Wing for @MoopSealix 8.6 years ago

    @Michaelsalinas02 thanks for the wing ill try to improve it to fit my new model I've been planning.

  • Simpleplanes World Map 8.7 years ago

    Please show the shapes of the islands that would make it much easier to navigate

  • B-17 8.7 years ago

    @Michaelsalinas02 I tried to make a version with four propellers but it kept spinning out of control :(

  • B-17 8.7 years ago

    @Michaelsalinas02 have no idea what a prop is