Now, I haven't been playing long but like the people below say, once you play long enough, it gets stale. Roblox for me is a good example, I played for 7, almost 8 years. But it just got boring, same old thing. Especially with all the copies now. SP is a good replacement for me, but I guess that's why people make challenges, to make people make stuff and not be bored.
@Halcyon215 it's in a different universe.
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@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore @DrakonDynamics you watch Madness Combat too?
+1I'm not alone!
F/A 37 Talon looking like.
+3@Apollo018362 when's the deadline?
I'd like to see the Foxstall try to beat this!
@Halcyon215 I asked @Windshifter1 for them.
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@StopBreathingMyAir it's a different universe.
@Halcyon215 school
Make sure War Thunder players don't find this
+2@Potato21 hello! Great builds btw.
+1Uhh.. idk what else to put here..
@overlord5453 fr
+1AT List Part 4:
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Now, I haven't been playing long but like the people below say, once you play long enough, it gets stale. Roblox for me is a good example, I played for 7, almost 8 years. But it just got boring, same old thing. Especially with all the copies now. SP is a good replacement for me, but I guess that's why people make challenges, to make people make stuff and not be bored.
@overlord5453 congrats on 10k!
+1What's this?
@EmpireofWrightIsles wait.. is it unmanned?
+1Mainly thanks to government funding.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 the Wright Brothers flew in 1899 in this universe instead.
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I chose pasta because I already eat it basically everyday.
Pasta 🤌
Congrats on silver!
@ComradeSandman congrats on silver!
@ComradeSandman congrats on silver!
I'm only eating them to develop resistance.
2 overlords. Wow.
@ComradeSandman remember Twosday? (2/22/22), that won't happen for another 198 years (2/22/2222).
Why does this seem edible?
Feel free to reverse engineer this.
AT List Part 4: