22.5k MoterKade Comments

  • Stupid Devs 7.8 years ago

    Being you have only been a member for 2 days....may I suggest you change your tactics and tone before the copied builds are not the only thing removed. The dev are not the ones who remove things. That is left to the mods mods here are IMHO are very good at what they do. Plus they do it for free. Cut them some slack and maybe try building something alittle more original.

  • Ford Escort MKII RS1800 Rally 7.8 years ago


  • Foxbody Mustang 233 Custom MF By MKI 7.9 years ago

    @JordanPlayz101 for sure! Looking forward to see what you do with it.

  • Crate Engines By MKI 8.0 years ago

    @Testin123 Yes you can :)

  • Crate Engines By MKI 8.1 years ago

    @emptybox feel free to use them. I don't have a badge or anything. Credit is good enough;)

  • 427 Cobra Custom By MKI 8.2 years ago

    @Spikerya was looking up the car. The 312b is the 70's version. Is that the one you mean or the 312t which I believe is the 80's version.?

  • 427 Cobra Custom By MKI 8.2 years ago

    @Spikerya that's a vintage race car correct?

  • Cadillac Eldorado(1959) 8.4 years ago

    @OtherNigel lol ok sounds legit ;)

  • Airstrip Drag 8.4 years ago

    Great tourney!

  • Cadillac Eldorado(1959) 8.4 years ago

    The Crown is yours! This is spectacular!!

  • Anyone wanna look at my suspension 8.4 years ago

    It will be a few hours before I get home, but I can take a look at it then if you would like.

  • JR Sport F1 tt 8.4 years ago

    WOW! When I saw this...I was like awesome! Then I seen it was a successor of aircraftarsenal123 's build! I whole heartedly agree with aircraftarsenal123 when they say this is what a successor should be like. Lots of changes but still keeping true to the build! Think you just earned a follower! Please continue in this direction! Great Job!! I should mention that @aircraftarsenal123's Boat tail build is what inspired me to push my builds to where they are now. Great Choice building off their's. Will learn quite abit by working with those builds :)

  • custom simi 8.4 years ago

    @MasterKiryu Thanks! :)

  • Pontiac Firebird 1977 Postapocalyptic 8.4 years ago

    Very cool!! Love the whole build form the start to the end of days!!

  • Happy thanks giving Canada! 8.4 years ago

    You too :) Happy Thanksgiving !

  • MKI's AirStrip Racer (Entry) 8.4 years ago

    @Tully2001 with physics on high its best could get the AI to get it to do was 35 sec if doesn't miss the ring at turn 3 or over shoots the corners completely lol. It averaged 37 seconds overall thru 20 runs. @saturn28 Thanks!! I'm not very good at this random creation thing. This is so out in left field for me! Glad you like it!

  • MKI's AirStrip Racer (Entry) 8.4 years ago

    @UnknownNate I could put my 60's Impala on hold and Return to my 80's Monte Carlo. Yeah I guess I can do that. The Monte is a challenge too! It might be a week to finsh if not a little longer. Depends on my work schedule, but I will see what I can do. :) FYI I think you stuff is pretty good already :)

  • FOXBODY DRAG 8.4 years ago

    @USA2001 still needs a roll cage lol but a nice addition to the Fox body collection;)

  • My Whirly Bird 8.4 years ago

    Classic! Awesomeness!

  • Anyone know of any high-quality detailed pickup's 8.4 years ago

    @Dalton02 I see. Strip down my tow truck. You should be able to build something off that for sure. Wouldn't take much to build a new body on that chassis. I am looking to build a new Sierra but I'm currently working on a 67 Impala so it won't be for a bit

  • Anyone know of any high-quality detailed pickup's 8.4 years ago

    @Dalton02 A new or classic ? I'd you want something with details for new I would check out manufacturer's promo sites that give you pics of everything. Classics will be a little more difficult but you can search the web for old brochures and such or just hit up truck magazine online.

  • I'm really frustrated right now a mod or dev just banned me because I'm not "13" 8.4 years ago

    It does state with parental consent. Maybe best course is have your parents contact the developers through the proper channels and see if they can have it lifted.

    Why couldn't something be added to the web site at the time of sign up that could have some way of sending a confirmation code to a parents email that has to be entered. Then if we find other that have avoided this and lied about their age can banned completely.

  • AI driving glitch 8.4 years ago

    @CanofBeans Well I check out what I thought it was. Did not have any effect. I initially thought due to the mirror feature does not alway mirror perfect and I always seem to find that the Y axis of a mirror object is out 1.0017 degrees out it was causing a pull in one direction. Thi swould make the auto pilot constantly have to correct and making it sway side to side. This is from what I understand was what you basically had stated. Well I made the corrections with Finetuner and raced both fixed and un touched builds. They performed pretty much the same so it had no effect on atleast my build. maybe other may have better results.

  • AI driving glitch 8.4 years ago

    @CanofBeans aw I see what meant now.

  • And the winner is...Airstrip Drag! 8.4 years ago

    Well... It's unfortunate that you don't wish to enter. I do however believe some of your comment is a little mistaken. The race course itself is fine. I know of no ground based race course that is perfectly flat. Build a vehicle that can mange the surface of the course. It is possible. Secondly if built correctly with the given restraints one can build a vehicle the does not require the AI to use the brake ( And yes I have one build currently that does just that) it also leaves the track in a one spot at speed recovers and makes it back to the track without missing a check point. Granted it is not fool proof. In a 20 run test it managed to complete with no misses 18 of the 20. Not bad in my book. There is a way around with the current restraints of the tourney and game AI to get to drive strait by building you vehicle to force a straight driving line. To accomplish this one must think out side the box. It is possible. Mine drives straight with very little wobble if any. Granted this has been a 3 night building process that still hasn't turned out a time that I am happy with or feel is competitive, but I feel confident I will. As for AI issue. I have a theory I am going to test this evening to determine if the AI is true ly the issue or something else. I will post my findings either way.

  • AI driving glitch 8.4 years ago

    @CanofBeans I don't think using pitch matters. Using throttle has the same effect. I believe it's a Two part problem. Yes AI is part of it but I believe it's behavior is effect not cause. I will test my theory this evening. Hopefully I am right because it is proving to be very annoying lol

  • AI driving glitch 8.4 years ago

    @CanofBeans I noticed the same thing. I been thinking about this morning and I have a suspect in mine of what the cause is. I actually dont think it's the AI at fault, but I will not be able to confirm until I get home from work. I did however get a build together that doesn't sway violently at speed, but I'm convinced it's not a competitor yet. I will let you know the results of my investigation this evening.

    Cheers MoterKade

  • 68 nova 8.4 years ago

    You want to build one or you want someone to build one for you?

  • 1960's Formula Race Car By MKI 8.4 years ago

    @TheLatentImage Thanks man! Glad you are enjoying it!!

  • Donar 2400 8.5 years ago

    This a great build. Looks awesome and the effort shows. May I make an observation. You could get much more super car performance if you scale the entire build down by 25% (L,W,H= 0.75) in all Finetuner inputs. Just make sure you do not scale engine horse power. Increase your steering to 25 and you will have and monster on your hands!!! I tried it and its is awesome! Anyway Great build! Think its time to add this to my faves!

  • NTMR V1PER Hoverbike 8.5 years ago

    This thing is pretty neat!! Looks great as well!

  • Porsche 911 8.5 years ago

    Alright! Now we are talkin'!! The shape is pretty dang close!! Love it!! And those wheel wells....very well done!

  • POINT FARM 8.5 years ago

    Yeah .... This isn't going to work they way you would like. This is against the rules of the site. You may want to try a different approach.

  • HEY LADY! 8.5 years ago

    @Kerbango lol I hear ya! I was just making sure it was what I thought. Btw I like the concept! Please just edit your info to credit aircraftarsenal123.

    Nvm...you already did;)

  • HEY LADY! 8.5 years ago

    Um didn't @aircraftarsenal123 originally build this monster bug. Yes you have done some additional work to it but there is no credit given. I could be wrong... Just it looks really familiar. Plus you have completely negated the successor system.

  • 1960's Formula Race Car By MKI 8.5 years ago

    @KingBacon well adding guns and painting it all one colour isn't really what I thought you meant, but I would say you could add a spoiler or two. Maybe even attempt some body mods or even put a dash in it. Let me know if you do. I would like to see that.

  • IndyCar- 2015 Chevy AeroKit 8.5 years ago

    Great build!! Drives and handles well!!!

  • Car drives weird 8.5 years ago

    @RedHawk Hey just was checking it out. Yes both left side wheels were out on the Y axis. But I think you are right on the idea that size and weight may be a problem. I tried even adding a 1000lbs but it still says there is only 1lb. It looks fantastic but maybe to small to get any traction. I even dropped the engine out put and had no effect. Sorry I couldn't help you more.

  • Rc Car 8.5 years ago

    Details!!! I like details!!

  • Car drives weird 8.5 years ago

    Do you use Fine Tuner? If so check the wheel to make sure they are in fact pointing straight. I find sometimes when I mirror wheel the are off a couple degrees. Basically the toe is out. It will always pull even with balanced weight. Just reset the wheel buy settings it back to zero. That is what seems to work for me. Just an idea. Hope it helps some.

    Cheers MoterKade

  • Teaser: 2015 Chevy Indycar 8.5 years ago

    This is going to be sweet! @JMicah4 just click on the image tab and open in a new window.

  • Donar Type2 8.5 years ago

    Great job! I really like the style of this!

  • Toyota Land Cruiser 80 series 8.5 years ago

    Very slick!! Details are awesome!

  • 1960's Formula Race Car By MKI 8.5 years ago

    @AdvancedAeronautics I have no idea how to accomplish that sorry.

  • Dodge Charger w/ Supercharger and Guns 8.5 years ago

    @theweponizer well not all the car...there is that air intake;)

  • 1960's Formula Race Car By MKI 8.5 years ago

    @aircraftarsenal123 Thanks bud! This was experimental for me as well. I can never seem to get just right. This did turn out better then I had hoped. Feel free to experiment with this too. Having the second set of wheels are great. They don't need power but still give grip. Perfect for sticking it in the corners,down side is it becomes super twitchy.

  • 1960's Formula Race Car By MKI 8.5 years ago

    @saturn28 thanks I appreciate that!@Hockeygoalie21 glad you like!!

  • quick silver 8.5 years ago

    @TMWLOFP Np! Its simple and looks great!

  • 1960's Formula Race Car By MKI 8.5 years ago

    @Dalton02 Umm..not to sure. This wasn't even on my list! Lol. Stay tuned. I'm sure I will come out with something;) @SkullsAndCrossbones thanks man!!