60 MrAnikalt Comments

  • My first plane 2 months ago

    Hi.I think i know how you can make your plane better.U should work at engines(thise potato engines too weak), balance,change airflow to semi-symetric,make a bit longer wings.(I think you have too little wingspan) and your plane dont really need so many fuel) But as a first plane it's pretty good:)

  • Fix 1 3 months ago

    Of course all ok;)

  • Fix 1 3 months ago

    @YourLocalJetNut330 i made fix of your heli https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/gH267J/Aircraft-first-ogFix-from-Anik .This is just balanced and slightly redesigned model of your helicopter

  • Fix 1 3 months ago

    Your heli have big problems with connections and with balance

  • Fix 1 3 months ago

    Body of your heli conected only to the tail and to rotor,just add another connection

  • First OG craft 3 months ago

    Thanks for idea.I made my own heli so now i can say what's wrong with your beta heli.First i think you should make cockpit and stable flight without jet engines(of course button to turn it on/off)

  • Jackhammer anti-air(m) 11 months ago

    P.s Launch rockets only when your vertical angle more than 15°

  • Jackhammer anti-air 11 months ago

    P.s Launch rockets only when your vertical angle more than 15°

  • English Electric Saber 1.4 years ago

    Good aircraft but keels can bug and destroy theyself.

  • I MADE THE WORST DRONE EVER 1.4 years ago

    Good drone

  • Caneda Airliner-1 1.4 years ago

    Where are your tags?

  • CAMICAZE 1 1.4 years ago

    It my first work and i whanted to know what problems does my project have.