0 MrBoomsticks Comments

  • Farewell Mr boomsticks... 6.5 years ago

    Thank you sir! I will miss you all and it was a pleasure to fly with the squadron.
    stay safe and farewell.

    Mr. Boomsticks (imagine it is in cursive)

  • squadron meeting 6.5 years ago

    @HistoricBirds if you ever need a b29 you can call me I will be there.
    fly safe and farewell

  • squadron meeting 6.5 years ago

    @HistoricBirds we can use that one see you soon

  • squadron meeting 6.5 years ago

    @HistoricBirds it was move to now so please join

  • squadron meeting 6.5 years ago

    @HistoricBirds I am making my last flight is simple planes. This will take place on September 6 4pm ct. This will happen on

  • Wright Airport 6.6 years ago

    @BoeyingOfficial waht sever do you play on

  • I'm back guys! 6.6 years ago

    @HistoricBirds what is the sever ip the squadron fly's on?