Date joined: Nov. 28 2018
Resident of: Snowstone
Bio: Founder and CEO of Massacre Aerospace. Nothing else.
@Benny3053 I don't actually. Still I found resource where a lot of airplane inspiraaaation
Should I wait more cargo planes.
Very cool crafts u have!
slowly repeats Loooooonggg rraaange reeegiooonal jeeeet...
+2@Remote Hooray
+1It is narrow body or not?
@CptJacobson It is still cool design
It is very strange one. Gonna test asap!
@ThomasRoderick At least forward swept wings
+1Interesting craft
Sometimes I think that you are "Demon of success"
+1Could u make something like Il-196 (double-decker Il-96) and as base u can use your Civ. Aircraft #4, pls?
It looks like 1940-s aircraft or even later times aircraft
+1So. Which crafts were the best on ur old account?
@Rsouissi i will. But I don't have enough skills to build aircraft "from zero" so I should manage with Remote to modify his crafts.
@Strikefighter04 Thanks a lot!
+1That's very strange boi
+1Planex A-140 gets nervous
@Remote Great!
Any narrow-body Duroranc's soon?
Absolutely great! Заебок
Nice thing. I will enjoy... crashing.
Date joined: Nov. 28 2018
Resident of: Snowstone
Bio: Founder and CEO of Massacre Aerospace. Nothing else.
@Benny3053 Great
KSP-SimplePlanecraftmaking (laughs)
@Benny3053 Oh
@Benny3053 I don't actually. Still I found resource where a lot of airplane inspiraaaation
Genious idea. Do u have discord? (I want to share some ideas)
@EternalDarkness Thanks
Help pls
Nice build. May I publish some military modifications?
@Strikefighter04 I got it. Thanks for answer
+1I want to make something like airshow...