My aircraft is really coming along! All I really need to do now is finish the interior and work out a few more funky trees and it'll be 100% good to go! (P.S. I'm intentionally not saying which aircraft I picked because I want it to be a surprise.)
okay so I made it so it can lock on with the input as SelectedTarget, but I can't seem to figure out how to limit it to lighting up at a specific distance. any ideas?
What command would you use if you wanted to have a light turn on when you have a target lock. Specifically a target lock on another aircraft or ground vehicle that you're attacking.
@FirstLandFish83828 Thanks man but I already know about this photo and unfortunately can't use it. Reason being that that isn't a historically accurate dashboard. It is instead intended to give modern pilots as much information as possible when flying the replica/restored aircraft. You can tell by how modern it looks and how in another source, it states what I've just said. Thanks for the effort in trying to help though, its appreciated.
Though I spent the better part of a month making and researching this aircraft, I was unable to find accurate photos of the controls and instruments meaning I had to guess most of it. Everything but the cockpit interior has been accurately represented and it still is a great aircraft. If you guys have a accurate photo or know how to find one, please leave a comment because even though this aircraft looks great, it feels incomplete. Until my next upload, have fun!
Am I supposed to track when I reach certain tiers? I've seen people post the dates of when they reached certain tiers but are we supposed to do that or is it more of a preference thing.
When I said that you're free to comment, I didn't mean turn this page into a advertisement. I'm also sure that this is the same person who just keeps changing accounts. So I'll ask you politely. SHUT UP.
@Justacanadianguy I don't have VR, so I can't really test out the functionality of my aircraft for VR. Feel free to adjust it however you see fit so it works best for you!
Feel free to comment if you want, maybe even upvote (Don't know why you would upvote this though. Kind of weird.). Will reply within a day or less most of the time.
Can we get some official game tank treads for simpleplanes? Unfortunately not all of us can access mods like the tank track mod that I’ve seen used. That’s all I want for the next simpleplanes update so I can make tanks and other tracked vehicles in the future. I mean it seemed like it was inevitable after the cannon update but I haven’t gotten a hint of anything related to it. Don’t take this as a criticism, it’s merely a suggestion as always. Hope to see all the wonderful creations you guys make!
Sorry this is so late! Life happened and I just didn't have time to post. I promise to post soon after this though and I plan to keep my promise. Hopefully see you guys soon!
@Bryan5 update on that Fokker Dr.1 you requested. I will post it some time near Christmas and after I post the albatross first. Currently in finals week so I won't be able to post for a little while but you will get that plane. until then.
Looks, sounds, and feels great! It does have the problem that the props collide with the fuselage and explode. This is an easy fix with the overload tool by turning off collusions if you didn’t know. I hope you keep having fun and posting!
@MobileGamer21 never mind, I just saw your air carrier from edge of tomorrow. You obviously don’t need help from me. (Also would it be okay if I edit a few things on your pelican? I want to change one or two things so that its more to my liking. I’m asking your permission as I might reupload it sometime in the future.)
@MobileGamer21 if you like tanks and planes, you should definitely try war thunder! I personally play it and I find it to be tons of fun even though the community is very skilled and I’m very average. It’s free for PlayStation, Xbox, and pc if you want to try or out. Also, you’re 12!?!? The stuff you’re making is amazing! I did notice on your old pelican, that you don’t know a lot of funky trees, right? If you need any help with them I can teach you the ones I know and personally use. Anyways I hope you have a great day.
@Timothy19452022 Famous is when it's a good thing and infamous is when its bad. it's like saying "that kid is quite famous" compared to " that murderer is quite infamous.". And yes, the b-25 Mitchell is quite famous, especially the j version.
I really liked this and it really works well! Are you planning to add a cockpit?
@WinsWings Thanks
Still finishing up the final page for the aircraft but it is now available for download.
My aircraft is really coming along! All I really need to do now is finish the interior and work out a few more funky trees and it'll be 100% good to go! (P.S. I'm intentionally not saying which aircraft I picked because I want it to be a surprise.)
+1okay so I made it so it can lock on with the input as SelectedTarget, but I can't seem to figure out how to limit it to lighting up at a specific distance. any ideas?
What command would you use if you wanted to have a light turn on when you have a target lock. Specifically a target lock on another aircraft or ground vehicle that you're attacking.
+116 days to go!
+1@ErraticFire17 Don't worry about it, you're doing fine and no you don't.
+1Really fun and definitely worth using. Does not like taking damage though and can be a little bit of an issue in ship to ship battles.
+1upvoting means I've officially joined right?
+1It's now official, this is my third most upvoted aircraft on the Simple Planes server.
thanks for all of the support!
202, what's it to you?
@FirstLandFish83828 Thanks man but I already know about this photo and unfortunately can't use it. Reason being that that isn't a historically accurate dashboard. It is instead intended to give modern pilots as much information as possible when flying the replica/restored aircraft. You can tell by how modern it looks and how in another source, it states what I've just said. Thanks for the effort in trying to help though, its appreciated.
Though I spent the better part of a month making and researching this aircraft, I was unable to find accurate photos of the controls and instruments meaning I had to guess most of it. Everything but the cockpit interior has been accurately represented and it still is a great aircraft. If you guys have a accurate photo or know how to find one, please leave a comment because even though this aircraft looks great, it feels incomplete. Until my next upload, have fun!
Am I supposed to track when I reach certain tiers? I've seen people post the dates of when they reached certain tiers but are we supposed to do that or is it more of a preference thing.
@HappiPlane I’ve just been blocking them and it seems to work for the short term. But yeah this is a problem I was not aware of.
When I said that you're free to comment, I didn't mean turn this page into a advertisement. I'm also sure that this is the same person who just keeps changing accounts. So I'll ask you politely. SHUT UP.
@Bellcat thanks for the advise and I’ll see what I can do
@Bellcat Send quick tutorial please!
@ghori92 get blocked
@Bryan5 thanks for trying
+1@Bellcat full interior, lots of functionality, and if I added rivets it wouldn’t be under 200 parts.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Tutel :D
Absolutely loved playing this game as a kid. Thanks for making it a reality.
+1@Justacanadianguy I don't have VR, so I can't really test out the functionality of my aircraft for VR. Feel free to adjust it however you see fit so it works best for you!
+1@Jaspy190 …Excuse me? A biplane? (insert HMMMM meme here) but thanks man!
+1Don't be afraid to comment and If you like, upvote it! Go ahead, do it. I dare ya.
Crap, they're back! The ad bots are back! Everyone run!
@Bo1233 something we have in common!
How did you even do the Cockpit?!?! Those are some serious funky trees!
+1Feel free to comment if you want, maybe even upvote (Don't know why you would upvote this though. Kind of weird.). Will reply within a day or less most of the time.
Can we get some official game tank treads for simpleplanes? Unfortunately not all of us can access mods like the tank track mod that I’ve seen used. That’s all I want for the next simpleplanes update so I can make tanks and other tracked vehicles in the future. I mean it seemed like it was inevitable after the cannon update but I haven’t gotten a hint of anything related to it. Don’t take this as a criticism, it’s merely a suggestion as always. Hope to see all the wonderful creations you guys make!
+2Sorry this is so late! Life happened and I just didn't have time to post. I promise to post soon after this though and I plan to keep my promise. Hopefully see you guys soon!
@vict12 alrighty then
@vict12 How so?
sure, why not
@Bryan5 update on that Fokker Dr.1 you requested. I will post it some time near Christmas and after I post the albatross first. Currently in finals week so I won't be able to post for a little while but you will get that plane. until then.
+1French naval superiority is achieved! Chuckles in baguette
Looks, sounds, and feels great! It does have the problem that the props collide with the fuselage and explode. This is an easy fix with the overload tool by turning off collusions if you didn’t know. I hope you keep having fun and posting!
@MobileGamer21 never mind, I just saw your air carrier from edge of tomorrow. You obviously don’t need help from me. (Also would it be okay if I edit a few things on your pelican? I want to change one or two things so that its more to my liking. I’m asking your permission as I might reupload it sometime in the future.)
@MobileGamer21 if you like tanks and planes, you should definitely try war thunder! I personally play it and I find it to be tons of fun even though the community is very skilled and I’m very average. It’s free for PlayStation, Xbox, and pc if you want to try or out. Also, you’re 12!?!? The stuff you’re making is amazing! I did notice on your old pelican, that you don’t know a lot of funky trees, right? If you need any help with them I can teach you the ones I know and personally use. Anyways I hope you have a great day.
Even if this couldn’t fly, I’d say that you pretty much got the shape and interior down. Good job man!
@MobileGamer21 Thanks
+1I was not expecting this to be so popular! It's nearly surpassed my first creation in upvotes after only 5 days! You guys Really like this plane.
@Timothy19452022 will do! chuckles mischievously
+1@Timothy19452022 definitely some time in the future. Let me finish my other projects first.
+1@CyberBot17 lore accurate
+2@Timothy19452022 Famous is when it's a good thing and infamous is when its bad. it's like saying "that kid is quite famous" compared to " that murderer is quite infamous.". And yes, the b-25 Mitchell is quite famous, especially the j version.
+1@Timothy19452022 ...Infamous?