Would you mind if i modify my ARG-34?, i want to very slightly change the paintjob, change the nose a bit, and add 3 buttons in the cockpit, oh and slightly modify the intake.
Mind as well spoil some of the XIM-01's capabilities :), it is 2 aircraft in 1, it has stealthy shape, has really complicated controls, Multipurpose Burst Missiles, LASER CANNON?!. a 45mm cannon, etc.
+1MI-24 go make a ground BOOM.
+1Where is plane in top, side, and front view on simpleplanes website??
+1@DrakonDynamics The ARG-34A is my official submission.
+1@DrakonDynamics ARG-34A VS some shinsei plane, and i'll make a Mikoyan based plane, but only review the Argus plane
+1@DrakonDynamics Huh, guess that's cool i got a product i like out here first (I never thought i would have first full submission on a challenge)
+1@DrakonDynamics Now i think i have the ARG-34A All set!, no missing buttons, and the fuselage looks good.
+1Would you mind if i modify my ARG-34?, i want to very slightly change the paintjob, change the nose a bit, and add 3 buttons in the cockpit, oh and slightly modify the intake.
+1Posted :), check successors.
+1I Think Ruskovia needs long runways
+1@PigeeGuy And i'll make a knockoff sukhoi company for Ruskovia to make the flanker.
+1@DrakonDynamics Time to enable i like russian stuff too much mode!, THE FLANKER!
+1Can we say Cancer bad to pay respect?, and also say F for extra respects like another guy said.
+1I want to make a Ruskovian Jet, what kind of stuff do they usually make?
+1I'm on team simpleplanes on this one, yes flyout allows for better aircraft, but i prefer "simple" planes than "complicated" planes.
+1I hope you don't get unalived by cancer, that would be sad, screw cancer.
+1@Atrocitum Do i wanna risk frying my device by pressing the button?, MEH, IDC anyway.
Edit: So my mobile device is weak, Got it!
+1@Halcyon215 go 008 in Krakbaloa i think it is spelled, keep going and going and going, eventually, you should find 2 WW2 destroyers, and USS Tiny 2
+1Can i pat him on the cockpit?
+1I put down the TA89D1 first, but its okay you used it, i'm not complaining, just informing people about the TA89D1.
+1Uhh, help, i passed the sound barrier 4 times (I use KMP/h).
+1community block gonna go for infinity!
+1@DrakonDynamics thank you very much, i kind of was aiming for 20th century aesthetic btw.
+1@IDK0 I was looking for "Mobile Friendly" tag, i thought the tags have a meaning, but i guess that thought is out the window!.
+1Mind as well spoil some of the XIM-01's capabilities :), it is 2 aircraft in 1, it has stealthy shape, has really complicated controls, Multipurpose Burst Missiles, LASER CANNON?!. a 45mm cannon, etc.
+1I made a build, a Stealthy Ploon, your fuselage, my editions, i'm the successor plane.
+1And this is why the Boats should have braced for New Malaria.
+1Hmmm, yes, interceptors in the Air-to-Ground tab.
+1Preformance cost is 7,407 thats alot!
+1its so small i can't see top view, and even a flight computer is larger then it 😂
+1@Graingy 👍
+1Whenever i try and play it the game just crashes and sends me here 💀, why?
+1@Graingy Oh, Okay.
+1Not gonna lie this is quite a good B-17!
+1I have no idea why you made this, but, i guess if it makes you happy, good job!.
+1Walking Thing it um, Walks, like a Thing
@Husky12345 Would say the same if this wasn't my challenge
You can ask me ANYTHING about this challenge
Welcome to SimplePlanes
What is this...
@RepublicofWrightIsles Yes
@Yeetuscheese Someone said "Follow this new guy" on a secret chat
"Nuclear Missile" HMMMMMMM
@CatdogAerospace And the P-39 Aircobra is the Winner
@CatdogAerospace O
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