60 MudkipDoom Comments

  • Mech Legs (Attempt 5) 9.2 years ago

    Awesome, also if you if you make the front wheels turnable, the mech will turn.

  • Imperial Star Destroyer 9.3 years ago

    This is amazing although I would really like to see you attempt a b-wing (even better if it had a gyroscopic cockpit and landing gear) but still amazing star destroyer 😄

  • Steampunk Plane by MukipDoom 9.3 years ago

    Sorry I did not respond, I haven't been on simple planes until now @bobthetitan123

  • Steampunk Plane by MukipDoom 9.3 years ago

    I used your wings to help me build mine, but I did modify them @bobthetitan123

  • Steampunk Plane by MukipDoom 9.4 years ago

    Thank you@Wormforce

  • We need SimplePlanes Merchandise! 9.4 years ago

    I would love 3D printed models of my designs ;), I know it is possible because you can buy 3D printed versions of you KSP ships

  • Steampunk Challenge [CLOSED] 9.4 years ago

    I have just uploaded my plane! But it was really hard to do on iOS

  • On The Purchase of Simpleplanes 9.4 years ago

    Really because as far as I can tell the game is Identical on most systems, and since it was made on unity all they had to do was file, export, Android/iOS/Windows/Linux @Sirstupid