@KLM_747 because i know people will do stupid things to it like for example: putting 2 insanely over powered engines, changing the livery, placing weapons on it, basically all the stuff i don't want people to do.
@KLM_747 ah ok. a klm livery will be pretty good. i also made a 747. to be specific the last qantas 747 with the exact same registration. i havent uploaded it to the sight as i fear some people may make successors from it which is something i dont want to happen.
time to jump some cars and also to take screenshots
@DefinitelyNotAnFBI man this looks awesome!
@KLM_747 yeah i guess your right but i would still not like to post it.
@Bo1233 cool. i really want to make one of these now
nice plane bud. 👍👌
@KLM_747 because i know people will do stupid things to it like for example: putting 2 insanely over powered engines, changing the livery, placing weapons on it, basically all the stuff i don't want people to do.
@KLM_747 ah ok. a klm livery will be pretty good. i also made a 747. to be specific the last qantas 747 with the exact same registration. i havent uploaded it to the sight as i fear some people may make successors from it which is something i dont want to happen.
what airline is it based on?
i am highly impressed by this. great build
@ NumbersNumbersTheMan could you make the mojave air and space port a map mod? please.
@Hedero never heard of it but it does look cool though
so what aircraft exactly is it?
very intereesting
from my point of view it kinda looks like the normal aa tank with a convoy truck stuck inside it.
very interesting
yes finally a very decent replica of a saab 340.
@NumbersNumbersTheMan could you make a replica of the mojave air and space port as a mod map?
@XP oh ok. thank you for letting me know. i will ask him to make a replica of the mojave air and space port.
this is very detailed and amazing.
very nice.
dang that thing is highly detailed. looks awesome.
looks awesome.
not gonna lie that is pretty cool
how on earth did u make this?
i never expected glass fuselages
hmm strange but interesting tho
@Numbers thats so cool. i have to go there one day.
@Numbers cool i would love to see it one day. thank you for letting me know
@Numbers is it a 400 model or a 200 model?
@Numbers yep it is currently there parked behind 3 other qantas 747s
I wonder what new stuff will be in the new update
@ReignSUPREME thank you for sharing this screenshot. it looks amazing and is easily the best Qantas A380 Replica i have ever seen on the website.
@FireFast212 its such a shame it has happened. i hope they don't scrap the last one.
i don't get it
@ReignSUPREME thank you
@ReignSUPREME can you take some screenshots of it and put it in the forum?
@ReignSUPREME hows the A380?
@Amaus no problem :)
im sorry to hear this bud.
nice build
it looks like a britten norman islander crossed with a gaf nomad but i think it still looks awesome.