152 NATCH Comments

  • 105mm Dual Purpose Gun 3.3 years ago

    Dude how did yah make the rotator so good like, o know i can copy the code and paste it but i want to learn and do things like this

  • Ac-130 Gunship 3.4 years ago

    @Selcukk thanks

  • RPS LUZON 3.2 years ago

    I know that the aircraft was pretty big, but my phone can't handle the lag anymore, while i was building this, my phone crash 3 times and lost many valuable designs such as 4 additional aa and, 6 flaks, hope you guys understand thanks

  • Chaser Lights with Funky Trees 3.3 years ago

    Ahh guys anyone know how to invert a light beacon?

    Like for example they will separately activate depending on what direction the yaw will move

    Like i hold the yaw on left the left beacon light will activate, the same on the right side. Thank everyone who's going to respond

  • M1 Abrams tank, ver. 2.1 3.3 years ago

    O mah god my first having many up votes, thanks guys hope yah enjoy many of my incoming creations

  • Metal slug, kaladgolg 3.3 years ago

    I feel my phone slowly heating up, BUTTTTT THIS WAS AWESOME!!!

  • M1 Abrams tank, ver2 3.3 years ago

    @GeneralBunny oh i re upload a edited one, I'm happy if you can check it out

  • Funky Trees! 3.3 years ago

    Hello guys i need some help, so i can put input on overload? Then things work magically?, i mean I'm not good any any fields about science and math but i wnat to learn this kind of things, if any one know someone who make or post a list of examples for beginners to do overloads can you please mention them, that will be very helpful

  • BEAN's AA Mini 3.4 years ago

    So nostalgic, i still remember when mister bean lunch all those rockets in the back, ahh so many memories, but jokes aside dude this was awesome

  • car 3.4 years ago

    @Fygaroh thanks dude, glad yah like it