You can post pictures. The plug in is ![] (Image URL) exactly like that. Use and choose an image from photos. Go down to the many URLs and use the markdown with the cat and looks like a sniper rifle mag. Copy and paste the URL ![] (Right Here)
Ok cool. Sorry about the part count, are you on IOS? Because I’m on an IPhone 6s and that’s what I built it on. So it probably should work, since only a few parts are moving. @Flash0of0green
Oh sounds cool!
A helpful tip, SP parts are really glitchy and get stuck on random stuff. Make sure NOTHING is in the way, or there is nothing close to the area of ejecting. That would help. @MaxB17
*XML @JamesBoA
Ya that’s what I need. I can’t DML mod so I need someone else. @JamesBoA
I made this when I had like only 300 points so what do people expect? @L3dg3ndary
I know right @L3dg3ndary
Hey can you make fuel tanks that are at least 0.01 by 0.01 by 0.01 please? I know it sounds weird but it’s for one of my posts.
Thank you bro!! @IzzylA
That’s a thicc plane
+2Thanks dude @Stormfur
No #25@MTakach
(Dog) @Thelegitpilot13
Ya I’m gonna make a Boeing 737 Min. Or minimum. @Thelegitpilot13
Dude I made a SP company! @RasucitNemilos
Thank you @Thelegitpilot13
You can post pictures. The plug in is ![] (Image URL) exactly like that. Use and choose an image from photos. Go down to the many URLs and use the markdown with the cat and looks like a sniper rifle mag. Copy and paste the URL ![] (Right Here)
Ya np! Happy to help@Jim1the1Squid
+1Also my only plane that is technically a plane that works. @CRJ900Pilot
Thanks! @CRJ900Pilot
Dude!! Ur gold!! Awesome
+1Thanks dude!! @Nuclearbomber36
Ik right? This world... UGH! @CrashFighter05
It isn’t an airplane, it is a plain @asteroidbook345
oh @randomusername
+1But y tho??!?@randomusername
Thanks. Dude did you get a new profile pic? @randomusername
+1It’s fine @Starmang10
I’m It’s sarcasm dude!! I was saying how it couldn’t fly! Obviously the eifel tower can’t fly! How sensitive is this world?@Starmang10
+1Your joking right? How can people never take a joke? @Starmang10
+2Thanks! @Armyguy1534
Oh @Flash0of0green
Oh wow. What is your pc? @Flash0of0green
1000th upvote is best @Jetliner101 @jamesPLANESii
+3Also thx for upvoting@Flash0of0green
Oh. Lol I guess iPhone 6ses aren’t bad. @Flash0of0green
You can check out the thtorial if you want, if you had any problems with using it. @AWESOMENESS360
It’s cool! I’m just happy you like it. @AWESOMENESS360
Thanks!! @AWESOMENESS360
Thanks guys!
There is a link in the description. It is me using it on night physics on an IPhone 6s @Nerfenthusiast
Thank you so much! @BlackhattAircraft
Ya exactly. It’s kind annoying. @exosuit
Did you not like the video? @Flash0of0green
Ok cool. Sorry about the part count, are you on IOS? Because I’m on an IPhone 6s and that’s what I built it on. So it probably should work, since only a few parts are moving. @Flash0of0green
Oh sounds cool!
A helpful tip, SP parts are really glitchy and get stuck on random stuff. Make sure NOTHING is in the way, or there is nothing close to the area of ejecting. That would help. @MaxB17