@DandruffCat So since you're back briefly, I would suppose you could take some Simple Planes photography for me? Forget my old list, I have gotten ridiculously better.
1) View profile
2) Manage Account
3) Go to where it says "Show Gravatar"
4) Go to Gravatar, if prompted "create account"
5) Fine a pic you like and submit as "current gravatar" hopefully that's right
@Ctracerx2 No, but I figure it's lookin' good when the two are paired.
@BaconRoll Hopefully I should crush them with my power. Lol
@TheMutePaper Yep
@WahrscheinlichIch I figured so. Just wanted to make sure
@Gemista Thanks! Worked really hard on this one
@F104Deathtrap ok
@BaconAircraft Hmm . . . I didn't know that
@BaconAircraft Isn't 280 mph a little slow for a twin turboprop?
One big bird
@WahrscheinlichIch How did you make those cursive c's?
I want one of these
Some tough competition here
@F104Deathtrap ok, that's cool.
@RusTanker No problemo
Android please
Thank You!
@Gemista No problemo!
@ShatSlanger I tried, I almost got one . . . Then I crashed into the plane
@Seeras I agree
@mikoyanster got another one!
This is cool
@grizzlitn No problemo
@BaconRoll :-)
I am in
@Spikerya Wow, I didn't realize that. Cool!
@rottyarmee No problemo
If I was a the government I'd pick this one
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing no problem. If you have any questions just ask
@DandruffCat Ok
Hey, @ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing Try taking screenshots that show more the plane
@DandruffCat So since you're back briefly, I would suppose you could take some Simple Planes photography for me? Forget my old list, I have gotten ridiculously better.
@ForeverPie Ah, Yeah . . . I could see that.
@DandruffCat You're back! Kinda . . .
I'm guessing 1940s era
The grey
@Mumpsy Alrighty
@QingyuZhou Sure
@BogdanX lol
@jamesPLANESii I agree
My SimplePlanes life has gotten to the point where I can spotlight my favorite builder
@MaximusTheMinimus Is it operational? (Not in development/cancelled)
@MaximusTheMinimus Russian?
@Gemista no problemo
1) View profile
2) Manage Account
3) Go to where it says "Show Gravatar"
4) Go to Gravatar, if prompted "create account"
5) Fine a pic you like and submit as "current gravatar"
hopefully that's right
Does this one come with a derail feature?