9,941 Nick7777 Comments

  • SimpleDrone MK3 3.2 years ago

    @PersonOfTheUniverse9YT thanks for the upvote !

  • SimpleDrone MK1 (Funky Trees flight computer assisted) 3.2 years ago

    If you wanna try deck landing on USS Tiny or Beast : first select it as a target and press "Follow" (Activate5).. this bring your ship to the same speed vector as target . then using commands fly toward the target and place yourself just above the deck ... then deactivate Activate 2... it auto land smoothly on the ship.. give it a try!

  • SimpleDrone MK1 3.2 years ago

    @thegu13do Yep , Funky trees code for stabilisation relies on craft structure ,mass,center of mass and power... it took me long time for fine tuning parameters... so by touching design expect some surprises.. By the way have fun modify8ng,testing it ,this is how we learn.. good luck for funky trees code troubleshouting,i did not reallymeant to be read by other..and i was learning FK and trying stuff.. so remains so uselessly complex expressions.. anyway have fun and if you wanna help on designs you are welcome.

  • SimpleDrone MK1 (Funky Trees flight computer assisted) 3.2 years ago

    @V I wanted to push futher by having a full autonomous flight mode
    but i cannot figure out how to store variable in FK and i would need that, (i mean assign changing value and store it as classical programming variables).. i have some Idea how to use target selection for storing locations positions as constants and select it then..but storing values would be cool... maybe FK does not allow it ,or i am not yet enough skilled..

  • SimpleDrone MK1 (Funky Trees flight computer assisted) 3.2 years ago

    @V let me know what to change,to see my model as a stock plane would be just so cool. This is my first big funky trees project,i learnt doing it.. so if you look at the code this is a bit a mess... i would have to do it again i would simplify a lot...Anyway,all feedback would be very appreciated.

  • SimpleDrone MK1 3.2 years ago

    Hum..well you added some gun to my model,not bad... at least you could upvote the original that would be kind.. And for the beef ,just wait for Mk2 model .. Anyway , i hope you enjoy the plane.

  • SimpleDrone MK1 (Funky Trees flight computer assisted) 3.2 years ago

    @SPlayer001 Thank you for this kind comment. I tried my best to do what i had in mind,this is my first build using so much funky trees programming, i am glad it please players ! I am working on MK2 version that should be military one... but computer assisted weaponery is another challenge, so still a lot to do.

  • O-6 Norseman 3.2 years ago

    Great job , it looks very nice and fly like a bird !

  • Aircroft Seagull 450 2009 (VR) 3.2 years ago

    as a feedback i would say ,as many vr cockpit the space for the foot is not realistic , it is a bit weird..but this is not specific to your build a lot of recent vr design suffer the same midget cockpit design.

  • Aircroft Seagull 450 2009 (VR) 3.2 years ago

    This is a great plane, i love the bubble desing and it is great to pilot it in VR. Good idea the double inverted rotors to avoid gyro drift.Great job buddy!

  • Carreidas 160 (vr) 3.2 years ago

    @AircroftDesign I remind following you on one A 380 build 6 years ago, i was obsessed by this plane at this time, and wanted to share it on SP... For the rest i admit that i forgot ..i hope i was not rude with you .. if so , sorry : 0 )

  • Carreidas 160 (vr) 3.2 years ago

    @AircroftDesign Thank you! Yep ,new builds possibilities plus vr convinced me to try new builds. But wow the level has increased a lot,it is hard to be at the top compared to others.

  • B 747-8 Freighter 1.2 years ago

    @Ethantaing Now it has : 0). It is a plane i made 8 years ago,'not intented to make real one...

  • Airco Dh.10 Amiens 3.2 years ago

    @PersonOfTheUniverse9YT by the way i took a look at your build ... and i have question, where those propeller engines come from ? i cannot figure out where you found it in the current version,they looks like old engines from previous versions

  • Airco Dh.10 Amiens 3.2 years ago

    Nice build ! concerning the use of jet engine, if you lack power you should better trick xml to overpower conventional proppeller , instead of using jet engines, it would be cooler and would looks and sound more realistic.

  • SimpleDrone MK3 3.2 years ago

    @Vincent No probs ,thanks for the help !

  • SimpleDrone MK3 3.2 years ago

    @Vincent Simple drone MK3 is sucessor of Simple drone MK2, i see the link of predecessor from mk3 to mk2,but i don't see the link of sucessor from Mk2 to Mk3 .. just a detail,if you cannot fix ,no probs.

  • SimpleDrone MK3 3.2 years ago

    @Vincent I just noticed that predecessor (SimpleDrone MK2) does not have successor link to that one, can you fix that ? Thanks in advance.

  • SimpleDrone MK3 3.2 years ago

    @Vincent Perfect, thank you for the modification. I ignore why but when i do several upload on a model and then upload a successor,it seems not to recognize it correctly..

  • SimpleDrone MK3 3.2 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s Sorry for the mistake, you are listed in user 'mods'...Thank you for the help.

  • SimpleDrone MK3 3.2 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s Hello, it appears that you are a moderator and you could help me. This new model should be successor of my previous MK2 model..but it seems i did a mistake doing multiple uploads and i broke the link. Could you help me with that ?

  • Airbus A380-841 Qantas [VH-OQA] 3.2 years ago

    just one word ... whaou ! amaizing job man !

  • SimpleDrone MK2 (FKT assisted weapon) 3.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Ok i'll do that, thank you for the advice.

  • SimpleDrone MK2 (FKT assisted weapon) 3.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Thank you! Yes i use to upload version to test it on quest 2 vr..and i remove post when i have to do modifications and then reupload..ok got it i should better update xml to save link on SP server.

  • SimpleDrone MK2 (FKT assisted weapon) 3.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison ,Hello, do you know why this model was not considered as successor of my previous"Simple Drone MK1" despite the fact it was made from the same xml (i just upgraded previous one and saved with the new name)?

  • SimpleDrone MK1 (Funky Trees flight computer assisted) 3.2 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX thanks for spotlights and upvote !

  • SimpleDrone MK1 (Funky Trees flight computer assisted) 3.2 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s Thanks ! Funky trees is just an amaizing feature added to SP... it opens to so much more possibilities.

  • SimpleDrone MK1 (Funky Trees flight computer assisted) 3.2 years ago

    @V Thanks.. this was long hour of work doing this one,i am very happy to see it please people..

  • SimpleDrone MK1 3.2 years ago

    I tested it and sadly ,modifications completly ruined the flight computer stabilization and craft behavior... this is quite sad for me to see that one taking light after so long hours on my project to deliver the best model i could... sorry @thegu13do this is not against you...

  • SimpleDrone MK1 (Funky Trees flight computer assisted) 3.2 years ago

    @V You spotlighted its successor..wich is not mine ...

  • SimpleDrone MK1 3.2 years ago

    @V you did not spotlight the good one... this one is not the original one..

  • BH15 (Objectif moon) 3.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison , it is an honor to be upvoted by you! I desperated seeing so few downloads and no upvotes.. Thanks ,and once again thank ypu for doing such funny games.. by the way VR playing is awsome!

  • BH15 (Objectif moon) 3.2 years ago

    @Th3rmoplylae Tintin again.. if you like.

  • B 747-8 Freighter 3.4 years ago

    @MSCworldXD Nope but it could be. I made this plane 6 years ago at a time simpleplane modeling tools were less develloped... no tubes or fancy adaptative cockpit..so by just using the new fuselage blocks(that was new at this time) i figured out a process to build huge airliners.. you can check ,we were very few people to propose such buildings 6 years ago.. despite the look i hope you enjoy flying this one

  • Concorde Air France [Full Interior] 3.5 years ago

    5 years ago i tried to make a concorde on sp ... yours is just perfection. well done dude,this is a very good job !

  • MD-11 (Mobile Friendly) 4.6 years ago

    @Imsomeone I built it 5 years ago using samsung gs3 ...it ran smoothly on 3 years ago sp version..duno what it is like with current version..

  • (BETA) Boeing 737-400 (v1) 6.1 years ago

    I agree you tune a bit my planes or repaint or modify it.. But please create something at least.. Enjoy buddy !

  • Antonov An-225 Mriya (v1) 6.5 years ago

    @ASDFASDF1 This is the larger plane i made ... some other giant i made is A 380 ...sorry buddy

  • Antonov An-225 Mriya (v1) 6.5 years ago

    @ASDFASDF1 sadly not my friend.. Not for this one.. I made it long time ago.. I made other airliners give it a try..

  • (BETA) MD-11 (v1) 7.2 years ago

    @ACMECo1940 THanks for taking time to comment that old creation of mine . Don't hesitate to upvote if at some point it pleased you . thanks dude!

  • [TSAD] A318 British Airways (With Emergency Slides) 7.4 years ago

    this is a masterpiece !

  • Antonov An-225 Mriya (v1) 7.5 years ago

    @BogdanX Thanks for upvoting that old model , made in a time when SP build editor was not so conveniant ..

  • A 380-900 (v1) 7.5 years ago

    Thanks 4 the upvote !

  • Antonov An-225 7.5 years ago

    wow, amaizing one !

  • B 747-8 Freighter 7.5 years ago

    @kgv23 Thanks for upvote .. it has been a while since someone upvote this huge baby plane !

  • golf cart 7.5 years ago

    it more looks like 'papa mobile' car...

  • Airbus a320 ( flaps, reverse thrust, interior) 7.6 years ago

    Everybody has the right to learn! Welcome to the community , enjoy building crazy planes ! I admit this one has an old school fashion that made me think of my very first builds i made two years ago ..

  • (BETA) Boeing 747-8 (v1) 7.6 years ago

    @Tazziedevil04 hello, i've already made a320.. Long time ago, you can find it here :www.simpleplanes.com/a/9Xd8H4/A-320-Mobile-Friendly. Enjoy.

  • Sonic Ruskie 7.7 years ago

    This is a Tupolev TU-144 also named 'Concordsky' 'cause it was obviously designed from stolen plans of concorde .

  • Airbus a320 NEO 7.7 years ago

    Bravo ! This is really nice!