4,793 NickRS Comments

  • NickRS thank you - NRS-7 5.7 years ago

    Can’t test it cause I’m on mobile and can’t run the mods lmao. But thanks for the cred!

  • Misk Razor Mark IV 5.7 years ago

    My mark I and mark II (found on my profile) both fly. @Jerba

  • Misk Razor Mark IV 5.8 years ago

    Thanks so much. I spent a lot of time on the body alone just to make sure all the curves are clean and perfect @spefyjerbf

  • Fixed? 5.8 years ago

    Thanks, but I meant like a hollow half circle. Kind of like a half pipe

  • XML request 7.7 years ago

    Thanks @ProvingMars

  • XML request. Can someone help me out with my last post. 7.7 years ago

    Thank you so much. @FlyingFanatic

  • (Challenge) creativity challenge [closed] 8.1 years ago


  • As requested 8.1 years ago

    Alright thanks@Avro683Lancaster

  • Mod request, weightless, xml modded to .25 thickness. Boom 50 8.1 years ago

    Thanks a lot, but the length is well over 2, I meant 2 as in like fuselage size. Everything else is perfect though. Is there anyway you can make the subtle change please? Thanks again
    7 minutes ago

  • As requested 8.1 years ago

    Thanks a lot, but the length is well over 2, I meant 2 as in like fuselage size. Everything else is perfect though. Is there anyway you can make the subtle change please? Thanks again

  • Mod request, weightless, xml modded to .25 thickness. Boom 50 8.1 years ago

    0.25 in diameter and 2 from the top of the bomb to the bottom (the head from end) @Avro683Lancaster

  • Mod request, weightless, xml modded to .25 thickness. Boom 50 8.1 years ago

    Lmao, I forgot the most important part lol. A boom 50. Thanks for pointing that out. @Avro683Lancaster

  • Cockpit xml mod request 8.3 years ago

    Thanks a ton man! @Dovahkiin420

  • Cockpit xml mod request 8.3 years ago

    Thanks, but that's not exactly what I meant. I meant 45 degrees on like, I wanna say the z axis but I'm not sure. Basically, the front and back stay in stock position but the whole thing is like skewed 45 degrees if that makes sense. And one more thing I forgot to mention. Could u provide me with two additional cockpits that are simple strentch to the 3 and 4 block but not changed degree wise. Thanks@Dovahkiin420

  • Cockpit xml mod request 8.3 years ago

    Just strentched@Mellons

  • Cockpit xml mod request 8.3 years ago


  • Cockpit xml mod request 8.3 years ago

    Yes, 3 and 4 blocks long. I was going by like the measurements if the fuselages. @Dovahkiin420

  • fine tuner random blocks 8.4 years ago

    Thanks but that's ok, I moved on to a different idea lol. Could u help me out with my latest mod request? It's the last post of mine.

  • fine tuner random blocks 8.4 years ago

    Mod request: could u make me a 1) a radial of fuselages (basically get a 2diamater flat circle fuselage and trace the outsides with fuselages tilted slightly) and 2) could u make me an engine that is (the thrust tip) .25 in height and 1.00 in length (this is the thrust area so basically the actual thrust (fire stuff) is a rectangle at .25 x 1.00. If you can also change the thrust color to a light blue with long thrust. (So powerful). If you can also make an identical engine only this time it lays at a 45 degree (the thrust area is tilted). If this can be done, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • Can somebody please make a tank cannon that can shoot 8.5 years ago

    Do you want it to shoot misfiled from like a missile pod or actual missiles with a group launch?

  • Riding Dirty 8.6 years ago

    Where? @TheNightmare811

  • Riding Dirty 8.6 years ago

    Is there race tracks on iOS?

  • The End of YTech. I Quit. 8.6 years ago

    Okay, someone wanna summarize this for me? I quickly over viewed it and it seems like some guy is bitching about an "unfair distribution of upvotes". If this is the case... LMFAO. Who cares tbh how many upvotes u get, if the community likes your build and they up vote it, great; but if they don't (no matter how amazing you think your creation is) why are you gonna wine and cry about it. This game is meant to have fun. Just enjoy building and downloading people's planes. Don't be so competitive, it's an upvote that does nothing for you in real life. Just relax and enjoy the game bro. (Please, if there is a legit problem that I just do not know about let me know if I'm in the wrong, just don't be so dramatic about it I don't wanna read an essay lol.

  • fine tuner random blocks 8.7 years ago

    Thanks a ton dude!

  • 45 degree parts mod request 8.7 years ago

    That's cool, no rush. Thanks man!@TheRedStormer

  • The Ark Of The Covenant. (Indiana Jones) 8.7 years ago

    Hey, nice build! Do you think you could mod me the same exhaust thrusters you used in this build only with an array of different colored exhaust; and make the effect like 50% smaller.

  • Colored Weapons and More 8.7 years ago

    Not exactly, but the concept doesn't work anyway without a group or throttle ect. Activation. But thank you anyways!!! I'll be sure to come to you first if I need any parts. Thanks again, and hey, let me know if that activation mod becomes present in the future👍@Ryster

  • Colored Weapons and More 8.7 years ago

    🔥🔥🔥MOD REQUEST🔥🔥🔥🔥 is it possible to make the water cannon more powerful (but still can't destroy anything), shorter (shorter length between the tip and back as much as possible) and activation on group 1. Like the second I clack 1 it starts shooting without pressing fire weapons. This is for a new concept I have. If you can help, I would be so thankful!!

  • Blitz 75000's Modded Parts 8.7 years ago

    Nice mods, I especially liked the engines, haven't found any similar on sp. the prop however is super op, I don't know what I would be able to use that for without throughout my plane everywhere lol. You should make and post a collection of props with increasing strength. 5x, 10x, 20x ect.

  • Smoke queetion 8.7 years ago

    @Delphinus alright, well thank anyway.

  • Smoke queetion 8.7 years ago

    @Delphinus @MasterManufacturingCo thank you for helping me understand; however I'm on iOS. Do you think you can help me out? More info on my latest post https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/d2823G/Can-someone-help-me-out-and-cage-these-missiles-for-me

  • Smoke queetion 8.7 years ago

    Missile from moving* (stay in place)

  • !Lockheed Martin F 35 (help) 8.7 years ago

    Working on it right now, almost done bro, I'll give you full credit when it's done. Nice build👍

  • The tumbler 8.9 years ago

    Thanks man, small mistake, thx
    for catching that. @GoodTIMeGames

  • The tumbler 8.9 years ago

    First feature!!!! Thanks so much guys! Please feel free to comment any suggestions or ideas for future designs!

  • Jet progect x1 9.1 years ago

    Sure, as long as you give me credit 👍@SPS13