15 Nikksc123 Comments

  • A-32-B 1.7 years ago

    TBH I would have added a bomb bay to it if the mod was working though. also u made use of that limited edition A-32, which no longer exists. i suggest you to add hydraulics to the missiles to make it more reliable. but you reduced the armament and the speed.

  • Glider with optional propulsion 1.7 years ago

    Also you can switch to the tail camera by switching between cams. Note: the camera is forward facing not backward like you think because of the name "Tail Camera" and its name is just camera 1

  • A-32-B 1.7 years ago

    Also check out my B-32.

  • A-11-a 1.8 years ago

    this aircraft can sometime go in a flat spin if speed is decreased.

  • F-13-a 1.8 years ago

    you will experience lots of troubles with this aircraft so i dont recommend using it in MP.