3,272 Nobodygood Comments

  • VERY HARD - Challenge - WWII Naval Attack 4.9 years ago

    @IngenerMakogon2007 Hi! I've also been doing testing, and while your complaint is correct when it comes to the real world war two, what the criteria is named is:
    Plausibility (How realistic and in WWII context your plane is): 10 points
    Not what did happen, but what COULD have been.

    The number of torpedoes it takes is actually only 6, the carrier starts to sink after the second, and if you wait it out, it will sink. (Tested both on Tiny and Tiny two) With this information, we can work on making a realistic world war two era ship killer.

    The primary problem with the current SP weapons is that they de-spawn under water. This makes bombs very, very useless unless you get a direct hit. Rockets a better weapon for hitting the target, but they trade this off for explosive potential, which, while not reflected in their ground attack role, is miniscule compared to a cannon or bomb. The Torpedo is a rocket with a different propulsion, and has the opposite problem to the rocket, it is almost useless on land, but very effective in the water, only being surpassed by the Boom 50 and the cannon.

    Many bombers had the carrying capacity to carry more than four torpedoes, and bare minimum, that is what you need to carry to kill the two escorts, and then you can just send a twenty rocket salvo at the carrier, which is undefended.

    Even so, if you want actual realism, with real planes, then there is NO rule against a formation of, say, B52Ns, or Swordfish (Which would be awesome!) Also no rule against using a "cannon" (Rockets in a tube, like my CASAC-15) on your plane, it would just take upwards of four passes and you would need a very strong, or fast, plane.

    Not to mention the many maritime patrol aircraft of the 1940s and 1950s that can carry up to ten torpedoes, like the P-3, heck, even the Marlin, which is 1943 tech at the latest, could carry the four torpedoes needed to sink the escorts.

    Not bothered by the rule change, just letting you know that it isn't AS impossible as you make it seem. Have a good day.

  • MIK TT-3 Bulldozer 5.6 years ago

    SU-25 wants to have a word with you XD

  • A300 classe UA 5.6 years ago

    @Adanene It's a good place to start, could use some work with the looks (The Elevator looks odd) I like how it handles and it's completely functional. If you're willing to supply me some I'll take 20 to modify and turn into various military grade weapons platforms. Keep up the good work!

  • Dying Fish 5.7 years ago

    That is... Something

  • AH-1Z Viper 5.8 years ago

    I love the upvote button you put in the description! The build looks good, I guess, but the upvote is for the clicky thing! Love it!

    JK, build looks awesome too, I just like the upvote button a little more

  • Arado E.560/4 5.8 years ago

    "Made on Android"
    May just be the most impressive part of this whole thing, especially since it's so good.

  • F-4 4.4 years ago

    I believe the words you were looking for were ' I Made the F3H-2 Demon."

  • VERY HARD - Challenge - WWII Naval Attack 4.9 years ago

    @TinyBearTim To get that size of cannon you need to XML mod them, I can do that for you if you'd like.

  • IJN torpedo boat 4.9 years ago

    Kamchatka sweats nervously

  • Lockheed F-104C Starfighter 4.9 years ago

    Mmm yes the Widow maker... Not to be confused with every OTHER plane that has that title, because when it comes to naming things we, collectively, are VERY unoriginal.

    Great plane, I enjoyed the read of the description. (You call that long? I'll 'ave ya!)

  • Trident Fighter 4.9 years ago

    Just some little things, your build is awesome, wish my first post looked as smooth as this one, however, your flight model is actually inverted, pulling back, (Down) usually makes the plane go up, and vice versa, on yours it's the opposite. Nothing wrong with that, just found it interesting. I love how it flies though, once I got used to that up and down confusion. Good luck in future builds!

  • VERY HARD - Challenge - WWII Naval Attack 4.9 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon Oh, right, the Mossie. The PBJ is one of the more common examples of a cannon armed plane though. Always thought it was bigger or a comparable size to the JU-88

  • VERY HARD - Challenge - WWII Naval Attack 4.9 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon @rexzion
    Not here to run this challenge or anything, but I'm betting he WANTS this to be a difficult challenge. Cannons make sinking the two destroyers easy. You can kill all three ships with less than twenty cannon rounds. One pass, if you have a fast enough firing cannon. Not even rockets can do that. Torpedoes and bombs were the most common anti-ship weapons anyway, and nothing smaller than a JU-88 was ever fitted with a ship killing gun, to my knowledge.

  • Need help fast please 4.9 years ago

    So, here are some things you've probably already figured out, firstly, it's the shocks, if you get rid of them, then the gear works perfectly. I have no idea why it breaks physics, but it does. Only at reg and fast speeds though, slow motion fixes the gear and the suspension. You seem to have created a perpetual motion machine that can propel this thing up to 27 mph.

    just a question though, why do you have your main struts (The ones going out of the fuselage) connected to another fuselage, and then the rotator?

  • Mini F4F Wildcat 4.9 years ago

    @Sadboye12 Username checks out

  • DC-05 Luna Razzo (Revive) 4.9 years ago

    @DanDaFreakinMan Lol, just means my 34 or so followers see your awesome work.

  • NATF Program Challenge:RESULTS 5.6 years ago

    Just got home from 24 hours of work to see this, good job to all the contestants! (Finally my writing pays off XD)

  • RF-29K “Filcrum” 5.6 years ago

    Those pictures are awesome, love the filters!

  • CAS Challenge 2019 (Mikoyanster) 5.6 years ago

    awesome! Good stuff guys!

  • CAS Challenge 2019 (Mikoyanster) 5.6 years ago

    Just figured I would let you know that you credited me for Barracuda, which I did not build, and seeing as how it did very well in the combat trials, I hope the rightful creator is credited!

  • O-2FX (CAS Challenge 2nd entry) 5.6 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot Thanks! Glad you like it

  • Southrop Grumman F-51(Challenges) 5.6 years ago

    Upvote for "Southrop"

  • North American XB-70 Valkyrie 5.6 years ago

    I always forget this thing really flew. it's like the X-15 in just being so out there that you have to look at it and go "Wait.. Really?" Love the build. Keep up the good work!

  • The MOST mediocre WWII Bomber 5.6 years ago


  • The MOST mediocre WWII Bomber 5.6 years ago

    Have you heard about or lord and saviour Button-Paul?

  • Karenilia 5.7 years ago

    WhAt PlAnE UsEd In ThE PiCs?!?!?

    Mod looks good, may give it a fly around sometime. is it a separate map or an add on to the main map?

  • Hippity Hoppity, this twisty thing is my property 5.7 years ago

    I wanna eat that doe some reason.

  • F-15A 5.7 years ago

    @randomusername Yeah, I don't go out much. This thing and the B-1B I just uploaded took up most of my day.

  • Me and the boys leaving Area-51 5.7 years ago

    @SanitaterAirlines I'm all for a bunch of people being mowed down by MGs, otherwise that ammo might go to waste.

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb 5.7 years ago

    @Kimcotupan15 All the thanks I need is the amazing work you do being uploaded lol.

  • Dassault Corbeau 5.7 years ago

    11 wet hardpoints, damn. Thing can probably fly around the globe with that much fuel.

  • FatMapTest2 5.7 years ago

    I love the name lol

  • F-14 Tomcat 5.7 years ago

    Looks good, may want to change the name, since "F-14 Tomcat" is a very distinctive aircraft... If you want I can give you pointers on making jets, like keeping the COM ahead of the COL... etc.

  • bknge 5.7 years ago

    Finally a good upload on this website

  • Working Aircraft Carrier 5.8 years ago

    Not the best rendition of the Shinano.... It seems to be still floating. Unrealistic. 1/10
    In all seriousness, looks great. Always love the unique stuff like this.

  • What am i doing with my life 5.8 years ago

    I'm not legally alowed to upvote this due to spiritual reasons, but if I could, I would.

  • SMC Aerospace Pregnant Penguin 5.8 years ago

    Love the name, Pregnant Guppy esque name, and it sure looks the part... Awesome stuff.

  • ASW-3 Cargo 5.8 years ago

    @LlamaIndustries thanks! Took me a while to make it work.

  • F-7A Sparrow 5.9 years ago

    Just a quick question, what do the two throttles do?

    Great build, just kinda curious.

  • Cessna 172 Fighter Jet 4.4 years ago


  • BAC 167 Strikemaster - Cold War Challenge 4.4 years ago

    I now this is a bit late, but that 7 on the tail is a beauty. How'd you do it? was it manual, or is there a mod for stuff like that?

  • [TEASER] New M2 Browning .50 Cal Machine Gun with Realistic Functions! [473 Parts!] 4.8 years ago

    Wow... That belt mechanism is actually genius! (I assume it's just some rounds on a spinner) I spent so many hours thinking about how to make a MG look belt fed, and you came up with such an elegant solution!

  • B-1 Tapir 4.9 years ago

    @qwerty132 Thank you! I'll see if I can figure out how to make custom control surfaces for the future!

  • B-1 Tapir 4.9 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 Thank you so much! I went very much crazy during my hiatus and decided that this is what I would do with my free time. Glad you enjoyed it!

  • Focke-Wulf Maritime Patrol/S&D 4.9 years ago

    Well.. now that it's a battle for second place...

    Amazing build! That cockpit view looks awesome!

  • VERY HARD - Challenge - WWII Naval Attack 4.9 years ago

    ... "Mass scale" for fuel carrying parts should be proportional. ...

  • Review on R.F.B.D.S by Makerofplanes 4.9 years ago

    So no one is going to talk about his sister clearly being murdered in the background?

  • DHC L-84 Schwarzevogel 4.9 years ago

    ooo lore! I like lore!

  • RJ-Boeing JSF F-32D Hunter II 4.9 years ago

    Honestly, The X-32 holds a special place in my heart. I keep a picture of it in my wallet, and any time someone says "You look ugly" I just whip out the photo and cry because I'm so alone.

    Nice build. Interesting to imagine what would happen if Boeing was pretty much the only american supplier of fighters.

  • VERY HARD - Challenge - WWII Naval Attack 4.9 years ago

    @Hpaccelli Not saying you're making this up as you go, but that's not mentioned in the rules,

    "Allowed, but for rockets and bombs weapon mass and drag should be realistic and proportional to weapon size, and "Mass scale" for fuel carrying parts should be proportional. Editing guns is not allowed (Except for visual characteristics and rate of fire within a 30% margin). Editing the health of a part is not allowed"

    I followed these rules, but the "You can't modify drag on parts that do NOT carry fuel either" rule may have been left out.