@Boeig this was the first time i played the asphalt series then i moved to asphalt 9 when they stopped supporting iPhone 6 i had a McLaren p1 and many other cars i came back but its not the same. as it was
@Senkopilot the people i tagged at the bottom where tag request from both teasers. and i tagged like 4 other people who were close friends. The reason i tagged you was because i wanted your thought on the aircraft because you gave me good feedback on MY F-4 overall i just wanted to see what feedback you could give me. Thank you for you're time
@GuardianAerospace yea anyways sorry to be a pain in your back again.... but how's the other cockpits going? let me know if you need a refresh on what to do i just want a status update. TKS
dimensions W=Width H=Height
1 (W4/H4)
3 (W8/H8)
for the nose style of each
1 the nose of the erj-190
3 the nose of the 787-9
@MAPA hey just wondering if by any chance in the future you could make a 757 i think it would be a cool aircraft to do since many people love it. you don't have to make one i was just wondering if you would in the future. Thanks Noob101
(edit lol just saw GuardianAerospace comment lol 6:27 EST)
@DISHWASHER2005 yea same because im on mobile even tho i can handle 3000 parts i still prefer the higher framerate's also i am making a ai air to air version about now so it will only be in the 80 part range.
@Graingy congrats your description is so good at being terrible i made it into a quote on my page congratulations also i didn't know your planet had terro- i mean fedex flight 8- i mean civilian airlines
@Graingy Equipped with Air-to-Air missiles so some annoying fatass in a sleigh doesn't get in your way while you're trying to commit an act of terro- I mean deliver presents to the orphanage :) 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Wtf is this
@MAPA 10/10 good work on the flaps
@GuardianAerospace lol
CAS is on its way
@Boeig this was the first time i played the asphalt series then i moved to asphalt 9 when they stopped supporting iPhone 6 i had a McLaren p1 and many other cars i came back but its not the same. as it was
@AshdenpawTG22 lol idk
@servedWithaSliceofCHEESE any chance on a 757
@Dogedogebread13 same
nice to see you again
Rockwell-MBB X-31 its a cool aircraft
@ShinyGemsBro can i join?
@Senkopilot the people i tagged at the bottom where tag request from both teasers. and i tagged like 4 other people who were close friends. The reason i tagged you was because i wanted your thought on the aircraft because you gave me good feedback on MY F-4 overall i just wanted to see what feedback you could give me. Thank you for you're time
@ZeroWithSlashedO you're fine
@Senkopilot hope you like it
@GuardianAerospace yea anyways sorry to be a pain in your back again.... but how's the other cockpits going? let me know if you need a refresh on what to do i just want a status update. TKS
dimensions W=Width H=Height
1 (W4/H4)
3 (W8/H8)
for the nose style of each
1 the nose of the erj-190
3 the nose of the 787-9
@Christiant2 its temporary
@Christiant2 its temporary
@Christiant2 yea
@GuardianAerospace pfp for SAi
@MAPA hey just wondering if by any chance in the future you could make a 757 i think it would be a cool aircraft to do since many people love it. you don't have to make one i was just wondering if you would in the future. Thanks Noob101
(edit lol just saw GuardianAerospace comment lol 6:27 EST)
@TheOfficalMarylander Thanks.
welcome to SP :D if you have any questions on how to do any thing pls ask me ore go to the forms with your questions
miami palmetto bay
east or west
love instead of live lol typo in the first sentence
@GuardianAerospace o your next aircraft
@LoneSpaceGaming just thought it looked better
@Hahahahaahahshs no just spotlight it
@Hahahahaahahshs can you help this man pls
@Hahahahaahahshs why you mad :[
@hahahahaahahshs its on the front page :D
@DISHWASHER2005 yea same because im on mobile even tho i can handle 3000 parts i still prefer the higher framerate's also i am making a ai air to air version about now so it will only be in the 80 part range.
@Hahahahaahahshs then a crop duster equipped with aim9-x and MK-83 and napalm
@derlurje nevermind you beat me in points by a little so i cant now ;[
@derlurje tomorrow
@TheMouse would you like beta testing?
@TheMouse yea about the workshop person
i was here first before this post existed because i already beat the mouse so i'm first
@derlurje remind me to spotlight i ran out :[
@Christiant2 lol 10 a day or every 24 hours
@Christiant2 lol i ran out
remind me to spotlight this tomarow
@Graingy bad at morals but just look at my quotes on my page you will understand
@Graingy congrats your description is so good at being terrible i made it into a quote on my page congratulations also i didn't know your planet had terro- i mean fedex flight 8- i mean civilian airlines
@Graingy Equipped with Air-to-Air missiles so some annoying fatass in a sleigh doesn't get in your way while you're trying to commit an act of terro- I mean deliver presents to the orphanage :) 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Wtf is this
@Hahahahaahahshs look
@GuardianAerospace welp i guess i made my own aircraft company