273 Nplush

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Hi Im Carl! I make planes sometimes I make weird planes for fun and can we reach 10k points in the end of the year!

Jk it's not done I also make Ai planes that are simple that are made from @jundroo I also make some things like props planes and car and weird props weird planes and weird cars too your cute and amazing I don't judge but listen to your work have a great day or weekend Just kidding heres the USS tiny things I know

USS Tiny
Bogue-class Escort Carrier
18 mph
Wright Isles

USS. Tiny is one of two moving locations in SimplePlanes. There are two USS Tiny locations: the one, named “USS Tiny”, is located within the gulf of the Wright Isles, West of Wright Airport and is the only moving location saved as default, meaning you can teleport to this location without flying to it first; the other little known one, named “USS Tiny Two” is located far Northeast of Bandit Airport, escorted by two Fletcher Class Destroyers. It is undiscoverable, meaning landing on it does not save a location so players will have to save a custom location upon landing on it.

The USS Tiny is small sized carrier escort The ship is painted in light blue and has a runway on its top, an important trait aircraft carriers need. It starts sailing from Wright Isles and the ship continues Southeast forever. Landing and taking off on the deck of the USS Tiny is difficult considering the short length of the runway and the lack of a catapult system and arresting wires.

Btw here the planes


[Structures] Oil tanker


Hellkeska (simple)

[AI] P-52 mustang (simple)

Previously known as MrAviationguyideas